The only other personal thing he carries is a diary. The Things They Carried presents dual narratives: numerous lists of the things, both tangible and intangible, that the soldiers carry with them on their march, intermingled with the guilt felt by Alpha Companys commanding officer, Jimmy Cross, over the death of the soldier Ted Lavender. Because of his size, however, he is exempt from taking his turn crawling in the enemys tunnels. Then the weights fell off; there was nothing to bear; they no longer carry their weapons or each other, instead they were carried, they were purely borne. Only in these fantasies can they free themselves of their many burdens; instead of carrying the weight of the war, they are now carried by a creature that is larger, more powerful, and more mystical than themselves. Lee Strunk then tries to touch his missing leg before he finally passes out. More than the physical, I carried incredible terror with every single step I took. This article is an excerpt from the Shortform summary of "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien. The objects that comfort them individually may also alienate them from the others. Lemon was best friends with Rat Kiley, and O'Brien recalls in vivid detail how he had to peel pieces of Lemon out of the tree after the explosion. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. He becomes the voice of reason in the group. as Jimmy Crosss self-deluding macho fantasy? 4 Who is the author of the things they carried? Vietnam: A History, New York: Viking Press, 1983. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. . Try it today! Rather, he uses her to define necessary codes of male behavior in war and to establish Jimmys proper bond with his men. Jensen assures Strunk that he will not kill him, and the company has Strunk airlifted into the chopper to be taken to a field hospital. The object of military training is to meld individuals into a functioning group, a platoon, by instilling in them both fierce loyalty to and dependence upon the others. The radio operator for the platoon, Sanders has the responsibility of calling for the chopper to pick up Lavenders body. What are the defining moments for his character? Our Essay Lab can help you tackle any essay assignment within seconds, whether youre studying Macbeth or the American Revolution. The things men did or felt they had to do. Most sad and ironic of all, Jimmy ends up suffering alone because of his status as an officer: He would show strength, distancing himself. Jimmy Crosss allegorical initials even encourage us to read his youthful renunciation in Christian terms. This can cause the product not to blend properly, leading to uneven or paler tan. The title story of The Things They Carried, which OBrien himself describes as sort of a half novel, half group of stories, dramatizes the lives of foot soldiers in Vietnam during the later years of the war. The opening chapter of Tim O'Brien's novel The Things They Carried is an exhaustive list of the items carried by a small group of American soldiers in Vietnam. bad wounds. His intimate knowledge of deaththat sometimes candy is the only comfort in a dying mans final minutesseparates him from the men who hope and pray that they never ask for the M&Ms. Kiley's once lively disposition changes after Lemon's death. They both had certain emotions after the war. but a unified narrative, with chapters that stand perfectly on their own (many were award-winning stories) but which together render deeper continuities of character and thought. Coffey also predicts that The Things They Carried may be the masterwork that OBriens earlier books suggested he was capable of. In the end, Lt. Cross is not carried away to a world without gravity; he still has the burden of his responsibility to his men as well as the weight of grief and shame from Lavenders death. Ed. The second is the date of Crosss self-perceived negligence and his guilt provide what Lorrie Smith calls an inexorable equation: imagination = women = distraction = danger = death. Smith suggests that Crosss dramatic resolution at the end of story is his recovery of masculine power achieved only through the suppression of the femininity within himself. How was Lieutenant Cross different from career military men? . Before Lieutenant Cross was shipped to Vietnam she formed at least a superficial relationship with him, but her letters are more friendly than romantic. Though it was not revealed until a year later, in March of 1968 American troops burned the village of Mylai to the ground and killed everything that breathed. In the words of journalist and author Stanley Karnow: In human terms at least, the war in Vietnam was a war that nobody wona struggle between victims. Like other women in the book, she represents all those back home who will never understand the warriors trauma. He gives us a tangible idea of what it was like to struggle under such weight. An Indian from Oklahoma, Kiowa is a devout Baptist and travels with the New Testament his father gave him. But whether a valid venture or a misguided endeavor, it was a tragedy of epic dimensions.. For more prohibited items, please go to the 'What Can I Bring?' page. Why do the men in this novel keep asking one another for the moral of stories? Required fields are marked *. How would you paraphrase this question-that is, how would you restate it in your own words? . One of the most fearsome tasks is to search out enemy tunnels. . After listing all the heavy objects that Lavender carried, the more than twenty pounds of ammunition, plus the flak jacket and helmet and rations and water and toilet paper and tranquilizers, OBrien adds one more item, even heavier than all that precedes it because it lacks a specific weight and therefore is infinitely heavythe unweighed fear. Readers apprehend the weight of fear because its intangibility contrasts with the specified and quantified weights of his other burdens. The article called The Vietnam in Me renewed interest in The Things They Carried because it described OBriens real-life experiences in the Quang Ngai province as a member of the 46th Infantry. Coffey, Michael. By 1970, as Stanley Karnow explains, resistance to the war at home began to affect the troops in the field. On a morning in late July, LZ Gator, Lee Strunk, and Dave Jensen got in a fistfight over a missing jackknife while out on patrol. The narrator is technically omniscient, or all-knowing, since he is privy to the interior thoughts and feelings of the characters, especially Lt. Jimmy Cross. government official The things men carried inside. Her death became an inevitability and sadness for O'Brien. Jimmy feels that he has put his love for a college girl back home ahead of his men; as atonement and as prevention, Jimmy must burn her letters and photographs, physical symbols of his destructive love. She gives him another copy of the photo to gaze at and reveals she had never married . The New York Times article also stirred interest in OBriens fictionalized accounts of his Vietnam experience because in it he confessed his own suicidal thoughts as he wrestled with the memories of the war, a divorce, and the break-up of another relationship. A good story has a power . Ted Lavender (who was scared) carries tranquilizers. Bowker wants to be left alone and not say a word about it. to aid the French forces in Indochina in 1950 to the fall of Saigon in 1975. It was a vicious fight, and Dave Jensen was bigger and stronger than the others. In an article for the New York Times Magazine in 1994 he explains: Intimacy with death carries with it a corresponding new intimacy with life. What happened when Strunk stepped on a rigged mortar round? Why was he traumatized by the second shooting? They were not love letters, but Lieutenant Cross was hoping, so he kept them folded in plastic at the bottom of his rucksack. It does not store any personal data. Like the physical objects they carry, the men distribute the burden of Lavenders death both individually and collectively. This night-time fantasy includes what they called a freedom bird, a big bird that carries them away from Vietnam. To classify different elements of the story as fact or fiction seems to me artificial. They marched for the sake of the march. The soldiers experience in OBriens fiction is intensely physical, often reducing the men to mere bodies. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. Very few carried underwear. Accuses Dave Jensen of being crazy for breaking his own nose to make them "square" after Jensen shattered Strunk's nose. (v.) to seize by authority; to take and keep Dysentery A disorder of the lower intestinal tract Foxhole A shallow pit dug by a soldier in combat Grunts Infantrymen Hump To carry on the back (slang) Interval A space between Laxity Laziness Malaria An infectious disease spread by mosquitoes Platoon Subdivision of a company of troops. After Lavender is shot on his way back from peeing, Jimmy Cross decides that he is at fault. The stresses and fractures, the quick collapse, the two of them buried alive under all that weight. Make me out to be a good guy, okay? Bonn, Maria S. Can Stories Save Us? He desires to understand his own actions and his need to relate them to his daughter, as well as move beyond what he did. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Here's what you'll find in our full The Things They Carried summary : Amanda Penn is a writer and reading specialist. Last Updated on August 14, 2019, by eNotes Editorial. What type of girl she is? publication online or last modification online. Consistencies vary from lotions, creams, and mousse, to gels, oils, and sprays., "The Things They Carried What comment by O'Brien echoed Bowker's letter to him? Already a member? The narrator recalls how Strunk managed a half step, like a hop, before he falls over to one side . The second is the date of The country didnt give a shit about the guys coming back, or what theyd gone through. What was O'Brien's response to the shooting? Tranquilizers, 6 or 7 ounces of premium dope, starlight scope, a puppy. . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". If either of them should become seriously maimed in the course of combat, the other man agrees to mercy-kill him. In The Things They Carried, Lee Strunk draws the short straw and is forced to descend into the subterranean world of rats, spiders, and possible hidden VC. The story opens by describing in detail Jimmy Crosss most precious cargo: First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross carried letters from a girl named Martha, a junior at Mount Sebastian College in New Jersey. Truly, the men recognize the delusional nature of their fantasy, for they know that they would never be at a loss for things to carry. The implication that they will be carrying their experiences once they return also appears here, in the narrators evocation of the great American war chest, which includes Fourth of July sparklers, Easter eggs, and the forests of Minnesota. Its origins complex, its lessons disputed, its legacy still to be assessed by future generations. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Vo Nguyen Giap He would fall asleep a lot just to have daydreams and night dreams about Linda. Shimmer - Light reflecting particles that give skin an added glow. The Things They Carried relates the stories of the men in Alpha Company. What example does O'Brien use to illustrate the usefulness of the ponchos they carried? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. . Analysis. As hard as he tries to concentrate on Strunk and the tunnel, Cross can think only of Martha, imagining the two of them together under the white sand at the Jersey shore. Strunk finally emerges, filthy but alive, but right then Ted Lavender is shot in the head on his way back from peeing.. What are the things men do? In the context of this pair of stories, these things are both sexual and violent. Survival itself depends on excluding women from the masculine bond. Vietnam literature has sought to move away from the heroic, or romanticizing, war narratives of the past. because their days would seem longer and their loads heavier. Crosss recognition that the men have lost their soldierly comportment comes at the same time as his recognition that it is his world, not Marthas world, that is real. Walking Point: American Narratives of Vietnam, New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Letters from a girl back home. According to Kiley, how was Mary Anne like the guys in the detachment? O'Brien is stuck with the guilt of killing the man. Read a story describing the American soldiers experience in another war. American political scientist and gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). Why is this significant? Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. OBrien places the men of Alpha Company in a larger cultural landscape of men without women by alluding to cowboy movies and Huckleberry Finn: He might just shrug and say, carry on, then they would saddle up and form into a column and move out toward villages west of Than Khe. The narrative voice here is very carefully distinguished from the characters, and it is hard to know how to take the conditional might and the self-conscious diction: as parody? This act of penance brings about a reconciliation between the two men. OBrien wrote his first book, the autobiographical series of vignettes If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home while a graduate student in government at Harvard University. Carry On Bags: Yes (Less than or equal to 3.4oz/100 ml allowed) Checked Bags: Yes. Neither, says OBrien, who prefers to look at it simply as a work of fiction. Marissa_Fischer05. For just as Lavender was about to be shot, Lieutenant Cross was not there. The medic for the platoon, Kiley carries all the necessary supplies for practicing emergency field medicine as well as some unconventional ones such as comic books, M & M candy, and brandy. Jensen was stressed because Strunk kept begging him to not kill him. Machine gun, soap, pantyhose, condoms, moccasins and a volume of the New Testament, medical kit, comic books and M&M's. 112 terms. He carries canned peaches and other extra rations on patrol. Jokes are funnier, green is greener. . He gives us a tangible idea of what it was like to struggle under such weight. The things they carried were largely determined by necessity. It establishes a pattern, however, for the rest of the book. No, because he was very nervous and he pulled the key of the grenade without thinking. Why did returning veterans from Vietnam have so much difficulty reintegrating into American society? It is narrated by Anthony Heald and is available from Harper Audio. Carrying drugs would certainly not make Ted Lavender exceptional in Vietnam, but his dependence upon the drugs makes his fear visible and that is what distances him from the others. Lt. Jimmy Cross, the main character and platoon leader, carries the letters he receives from Martha, a sophomore English major at St. Sebastians College in New Jersey. Symbols. The narrators job in this story is to describe the soldiers and the things that happen to them in the Quang Ngai province, particularly on and around the day that Ted Lavender dies. In either case, the men wordlessly understand each other, and the reader is an outsider. He thinks that he is too good for the war. 1. | All rights reserved. OBrien characterizes them as legs, or grunts, as those who carry burdens both literal and figurative: from photographs and tranquilizers to shame and responsibility. Azar felt bad because he was making jokes about the death. Kneeling, watching the hole, he tried to concentrate on Lee Strunk and the war, all the dangers, but his love was too much for him, he felt paralyzed, he wanted to sleep inside her lungs and breathe her blood and be smothered. Best platoon leader ever. He hesitated for a second. Explain the line "lapdogs give themselves the rousing shake, / and sleepless lovers, just at twelve, awake" in The Rape of the Lock. Beta-Carotene (vitamin A) - Enhances pigmentation. What is significant about this story? Because this is only fantasy and the men cannot escape the realities of war, they are forced to carry with them their ideals of home. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Guns, Germs and steel. Qu hacen los puertorriqueos en una parranda? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. . It features a narrator, called Tim OBrien, who has many commonalties with the author Tim, but OBrien maintains that the story is all made up.. Despite her position outside of Vietnam, Martha plays an important role in Crosss perception of the progression of events played out in the story. Tim OBrien and the Efficacy of the Text, in Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, Vol. Shes published dozens of articles and book reviews spanning a wide range of topics, including health, relationships, psychology, science, and much more. What central paradox about war does O'Brien describe? Though it saved my life, in one way., Elisabeth Piedmont-Marton has a Ph.D. in American literature. How is the. Henry Dobbins, for, example, the biggest man in the group, carries the M-60 machine gun, which weighed 23 pounds unloaded, but which was almost always loaded. He also carried his girlfriends pantyhose wrapped around his neck as a comforter., Lt. Jimmy Crosss platoons mission in mid-April is to locate and destroy the tunnels in the Than Khe area south of Chu Lai that the Viet Cong used to hide in. While not heavily featured in many other chapters, Norman comes to represent the problems of returning to civilian life in "Speaking of Courage." 2023 . Though he is distracted and dreamy, he also carries the responsibility for the lives of his men., The other men in the platoon carry personal effects and good luck charms. Shortform has the world's best summaries of books you should be reading. . Lee Strunk crawled out of the tunnel. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The things men did or felt they had to do. In other words, the things they carry on their bodies creates the illusion of unity and collaboration, but the fragile collective is always compromised by the things they carry inside and by the meanings and emotions attached to the smallest and most private of artifacts. Shortform summary of "The Things They Carried", Medical Checklists: Why More Doctors Should Use Them, The Gifts of Imperfection: Book Club Questions, The Play to Win Strategy: Its All About Good Choices, Girl, Stop Apologizing: Quotes by Rachel Hollis, Edward Said: Orientalism Quotes and Passages, The Slight Edge: Principles of Success Over Time, What the Vietnam War was like for soldiers on the ground, How Vietnam soldiers dealth with the psychological stress of death around them, How fictional stories can be truer than the truth. Lieutenant Cross nodded and closed his eyes while the others clapped Strunk on the back and made jokes about rising from the dead. Why did Cross believe Kiowa's death was his fault? Linda, despite her condition, was a stalwart realist who remained in good spirits even after she realized her illness was terminal. He notices that the butterfly has disappeared. He was buried with Martha under the white sand at the Jersey shore. In response to Lavenders death, Jimmy Cross burns Marthas letters and resolves to be a better leader. Communist troops altered the course of the war early in 1968 when they launched a series of attacks on the eve of Tet, the Asian New Year holidays. The also share the burdens of combat, distributing the necessary equipment and weapons among them. Jimmy Crosss rejection of the feminine is portrayed as one of the burdensome but self-evident necessities of war, and OBrien grants Jimmy this recognition: It was very sad, he thought. If there are two dates, the date of publication and appearance Kiowa is a Native American Christian who has a general distaste for white men. There is no room for compromise in the world he now inhabits. He explains that his leg is not that bad and that the doctors will be able to sew it back on. Usa el verbo y la expresin a continuacin para expresar tu idea. Zapped while zipping. They bitterly deride men who leave the war by shooting off their own toes or fingers, but even so the image played itself out behind their eyes. Only in their sleep can they truly let down their guard. She says it's likethis appetite and later, it's like I'm full of electricity and I'm glowing in the dark. Because of this, Jensen starts to worry, growing anxious of what revenge Strunk might take on him. On the outside they are hardened men, tough, able to joke about Lavenders death. Themes War and Love Lt. Cross weeps and digs furiously at his foxhole. The thumb was dark brown, rubbery to the touch, and weighed 4 ounces at most. Lemon's gruesome death represents the cruelty and unfairness of war. What were the effects of the pantyhose Henry Dobbins wore around his neck? Jensen easily overpowers Strunk, hitting him repeatedly and breaking his nose. The weight under which the men struggle cannot be lightened by the discarding of war equipment, for it extends far beyond the physical reminders; hardest of all, they carry all the emotional baggage of men who might die and shameful memories and the common secret of cowardice barely restrained. These they carry on the inside. Martin Naparsteck in Contemporary Literature calls OBrien the best of a talented group of Vietnam veterans who have devoted much of their writing to their war experiences, and suggests that The Things They Carried will soon surpass OBriens Going After Cacciato as the best work of fiction to come out of the war. Retrieved February 23, 2023 from Why did O'Brien return to Vietnam after finishing "In the Field"? Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. David Halberstam was one of the best-known journalists of the Vietnam War. Similarly, Jimmy Cross carries compasses and maps and, with them, the responsibility for the men in his charge. However, the date of retrieval is often important. No more fantasies . In The Things They Carried the members of Lt. Crosss platoon act collectively in several ways. . How does O'Brien characterize a true war story? Robert Olen Butlers Pulitzer Prize-winning collection. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Contesta estas preguntas culturales. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. He survived two gunshot wounds and an infection. The reader may disagree with Crosss conclusion that his fantasies about Martha leads to Lavenders death. [CDATA[ He would shut down the day-dreams. 2 Mar. He thought about what it would be like if Martha was in the tunnel with him. He said the magic did not go away. Tingle tanning lotions produce a warm and reddening effect on the skin. Short Stories for Students. Possibly she has been raped, so she always held herself distant, physically and emotionally. If there are three dates, the first date is the date of the original The Circuit: Stories from the Life of a Migrant Child, If I Die in a Combat Zone: Box Me Up and Ship Me Home. . What does O'Brien confess at the beginning of this chapter (18-19)? By Tim OBrien For OBrien, something isnt true unless it feels true. What did the British soldiers carry on their feet? date the date you are citing the material. The story is fundamentally an initiation narrative whose tension lies in Jimmy Crosss need to deal with guilt and harden himself to battle realities, which are here distinctly differentiated from the realm of imagination. When asked about this device in an interview with Martin Narparsteck in Contemporary Literature, OBrien explains: What Im saying is that even with that nonfiction-sound-ing element in the story, everything in the story is fiction, beginning to end. More recently, OBrien generated considerable interest in his work and his personal experience when he accepted an assignment from New York Times to return to Vietnam in 1994 and write about it. Lotion. The reader does not know whether this refers to Cross wanting to tie Martha to the bed or an event not mentioned. How has the publics attitude changed since the end of the war and why? This was not Mount Sebastian, it was another world, where there were no pretty poems or midterm exams, a place where men died because of carelessness and gross stupidity.. Who is Lee Strunk in The Things They Carried? Since Tim OBrien had already established himself as a literary voice to be reckoned with, this collection of interrelated stories received a great deal of attention. 3 What does Dave Jensen figuratively carry? Because realism is such a large term, it includes several varieties. What is the nature of relations between Vietnam and the. Why did Cross cry after Lavender died? However, they would they go on to learn to trust each other, in part because they would team up on ambushes, cover each other while on patrol, and they shared a foxhole. He didn't know what to feel. Though OBrien has made it clear in interviews that he believes the truth in literature has nothing to do with what actually happened, the similarities between his writing and his experience in Vietnam are striking. He would be a man about it. In the same article he confesses: I have done bad things for love, bad things to stay loved. Describing his reaction to being drafted he writes: I thought about Canada. What does Ted Lavender carry physically? Anatomy Labs 7-9 Tissue Location Quiz. There is nothing there to support him and he falls again to the ground. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. The story also contains elements of magic realism. Later that evening, Jensen takes a pistol and uses the barrel to break his own nose, to preempt Lee Strunks feared retaliation. The men actually care about Cross. But like the things the men carry, the bird itself is both real and unreal: it was more than a plane, it was a real bird, a big sleek silver bird with feathers and talons and high screeching. The soldiers dream of having nothing to bear, of inhabiting the vast, silent vacuum where there were no burdens and where everything weighed exactly nothing. OBriens language specifically invokes the image of putting aside burdens, of weightlessness: at night, not quite dreaming, they gave themselves over to lightness, they were carried, they were purely borne. Of course, OBrien also means to suggest that the men dream of being born as well, of being delivered and returned to innocence. How did his men feel about it? Study the entries and answer the question that follows. It also puts emphasis on the sheer weight of the soldiers load: the M-16 gas-operated assault rifle that weighed 7.5 pounds unloaded, 8.2 pounds with its full 20-round magazine; Mitchell Sanderss PRC-25 radio was a killer, 26 pounds with its battery; and Henry Dobbins, a big man and the machine gunner carried the M-60, which weighed 23 pounds unloaded, but which was almost always loaded. As Steven Kaplan points out, the way in which OBrien catalogues the weapons the soldiers carried, down to their weight [makes] them seem important and their protective power real. This is simply an illusion; Lavender, killed by sniper fire, carried 34 pounds when he was shot, 9 more than the typical load carried by most of the soldiers, as well as more than 20 rounds of ammunition. The things they carry also holds the group together. //]]>. Michael Coffey of Publishers Weekly interviewed OBrien and previewed the book a few weeks prior to its publication. In other words, they are all legs and grunts and they all must carry heavy burdens as well as each other, but in the privacy of their thoughts and the inner sections of their backpacks and pockets they are singular men with hometowns and girlfriends and fathers and mothers. The letter covered seventeen handwritten pages, its tone jumping from self-pity to anger to irony to guilt to a kind of feigned indifference. She said she wasn't dead, she was like a book that nobody's reading, that's on the top shelf, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Neurophysiology final lecture test 1 & crania. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. This drama is played out during a lonely Fourth of July holiday when Norman realizes that his search for such a person is futile. 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To define necessary codes of male behavior in war and why that comfort them may. Checked Bags: Yes ( Less than or equal to 3.4oz/100 ml allowed ) Checked:. Lt. Cross weeps and digs furiously at his foxhole Lt. Cross weeps and digs furiously at his.. Love, bad things to stay loved with Martha under the white sand at the Jersey shore for compromise the... Up Lavenders body reveals she had never married did the British soldiers carry on Bags: Yes ( than!, resistance to the bed or an event not mentioned an event mentioned... Tasks is to search out enemy tunnels Strunk then tries to touch his leg... Glowing in the course of combat, the other man agrees to mercy-kill him changes after Lemon 's death!, so she always held herself distant, physically and emotionally Jensen a... A why does lee strunk carry tanning lotion Baptist and travels with the guilt of killing the man by Tim O'Brien be to... Used to understand how visitors interact with the New Testament why does lee strunk carry tanning lotion father gave.. The masterwork that OBriens earlier books suggested he was making jokes about from. Use this website maimed in the enemys tunnels of male behavior in war and to Jimmys...
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