Why are my rhododendron leaves curling and turning brown? Lack of nutrients affects flowering. You can get insecticides to kill the bugs, but I prefer to just pick off the infected blooms as soon as I see them (less detrimental to the environment). In shadier situations, the plant may eventually lose some lower leaves simply due to lack of light, this would be a normal occurrence during . They will open up and come back to life once it warms up. This post was originally published on July 11, 2017 but was updated with new content on September 15, 2022. Fungal disease is another potential cause that you need to be aware of. Plant the rhododendron bush so that its crown is at . You know why this happens and what needs to be done to solve the various problems. The most common specific fungal diseases that affect rhododendrons include; They are also attacked by more generalist diseases such as; The RHS believes that avoiding pests, diseases and weeds by good practice in cultivation methods, cultivar selection, garden hygiene and encouraging or introducing natural enemies, should be the first line of control. However, you need to be cautious and plant it sheltered from frost. What should I do? Chlorosis. Get two sample paints and foam brushes from the paint store. In that exact order, NPK the numbers will represent the quantity of each nutrient. How to Get Rid of Sooty Mold on Rhododendrons This condition is caused by non availability of micronutrients, that are necessary for the healthy growth of these plants. Join the RHS today and support our charitable work, Keep track of your plants with reminders & care tips all to help you grow successfully, RHS members get free access to RHS Gardens, Free entry to RHS members at selected times , Reduced prices on RHS Garden courses and workshops, Join the RHS today and support our charity. If you have a late frost, its possible that the buds on your Rhododendrons were affected. The best design work comes from collaboration. Q: My rhododendron has slowly been turning yellow since planting it 3.5 years ago. What kind of bug eats rhododendron leaves? Yellow Leaves on Rhododendrons Due to Chlorosis. It should drain by about 1" per hour. Rhododendron leaves yellowing due to Excess Light. Rhododendrons need regular watering, but they don't like to be constantly moist. Not Enough Water In this website, we share what we are most passionate about, gardening and farming. It did not flower this year along with the others in the yard. A hobby that has helped me learn the importance of having control over my food security and become more self sufficient. Houzz Pro: One simple solution for contractors and design pros. Bone meal is a slow-release fertilizer that is high in phosphorus and low in nitrogen. Water stress can occur under both extremes of flooded, overly-saturated soils or under drought conditions when too little water is present. Chemicals: using safely and effectively Affected leaves, stems, and flowers become distorted, thickened, and bladder-like. Enjoy and see real photos on our website. Rhododendrons are a shrub in the Ericacea. But make no mistake. By adding a small amount of bone meal as directed on the packaging you can alleviate a phosphorus deficiency. PJM is fairly unique in that it tolerates sun, shade, heat and cold. Help me turn a Formal living room into an elegant, comfy lounge. Environmental stress is the reason for azalea leaves turning red. One of the most common reasons why rhododendron leaves will start to curl is that they arent getting enough water. Over the past couple weeks, next years flower buds have been growing and also look good and healthy. Yellow Leaves on Rhododendrons Due to Excess Water. If you see curled up leaves in the summer, though, that is a sign that your Rhododendron is much too dry. Why is my rhododendron turning brown? A detail is even more important than the planting site. The plant takes up too much Ca and not enough Fe. Youll need to take a look at the rhododendron to determine what is wrong, and if you notice brown spots, youll want to start treating it as soon as you can. So you may want to take a look at rejuvenating the plant, by pruning it or improving the area around it to make the plant happier. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. Yellow leaves on your Rhododendrons? A common pest is the lace bug. It might be a good idea to try to clear off the snow instead of allowing heavy amounts to sit on your plant. If the soil is alkaline, that is one reason why the leaves turn yellow. And you could consider rigging up some sort of temporary shade structure during the hottest part of the day. Before planting, mix organic matter into the planting site. Poor soil drainage (causing root rot) I found the reason why my azalea had yellow leaves was because of a deficit of nitrogen in the soil, cause by wood chip that was drawing up . Know that the best way to protect a rhododendron from something such as this is to prevent a fungal infection from ever happening. Let's look at the big picture. Feeding it aluminum sulfate on a long term basis can be bad for them. I think I almost killed mine moving it too many times to new locations, but no problems as you described. One is that you have neutral overload and the other is you have gray which is a cool color together with griege which is a warm color. Advice would be greatly appreciated! Instead, they signal distress with yellow rhododendron leaves. Likewise, we have worked for companies such as Mondelez International, BASF, Monsanto, etc. Why is my Birkin leaf not unfurling? Second, fertilizer applied after the plant has finished blooming mostly promotes lots of leavesso if you are going to fertilize, be sure to apply it at the correct time. sorry, too late. Although the brown spots dont look great, they dont seem to bother the plant much. As you can see, high-quality compost is great for preventing issues as well as fixing them. epidermal and subepiderma cells, its presence vividly changes the color of the Each day, during different times of the day, look at the boards on each wall and notice if you like them or not. Please help me turn my drab gray condo into something light. Part or all of the plants may be affected. Weevils, lacebugs, leafminers, mites, and scale insects will all be potential problems. Normally any temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit can stimulate the red color in the leaves. Pruning during the Fall can remove the developing flower buds which display flowers of the following year. Determining the underlying problem with your flowering shrub is necessary to restore the rhododendron's health. A midsummer move from shade to full sun will, as gardengal wrote, stress just about any rhododendron. If you notice yellow leaves on rhododendrons, there may be a problem. Moisture is required for proper rhododendron care. It isnt a life-threatening condition for the plant, but it is really disappointing for the gardener! She has not had any problems with hers. Recommended article for you How To Care for Rhododendrons Guide. These are the 2 common causes of this that Ive seen. In this article, you will learn about why your plant leaves are turning red and how to fix it. Lime and high pH soils tend to cause iron chlorosis. Hi Amitavait sounds like you have leaf buds and not flower buds forming. In fact, less is more. Best offers for your Garden - https://amzn.to/2InnD0w-----Why Are My Rhododendron Leaves Turning Brown?. Itll allow the rhododendron to dry out more in between bouts of rain or watering sessions. Once a rhododendron is established, you should only have to water it every two or three weeks if it didnt rain. Youll also learn a bit about what can be done to fix any issues that its experiencing. This means pruning leaves that show bad signs and not letting things get too moist so that fungi wont be able to thrive. Thanks for any incite you can provide. Root or stem damage due to disease or transplant shock can also cause scorch symptoms. You can find more about caring for your Rhododendrons HERE, this guide from Washington State University has an extensive list of Rhododendron problems and how to fix them, Rhododendron Care: How To Grow Beautiful Rhododendrons and Azaleas, 7 Of The Best Azalea and Rhododendron Varieties, How To Design A Stunning Shade Garden (With Pictures). They are still bright green and not at all wilted. Usually the leaves turn yellow or orange like that when the soil is too alkaline and it isnt able to absorb the proper nutrients. Today I noticed that many of the leaves are turning yellow, and a section appears to have died. Hi there, My rhododendrons leaves have all turned yellow/orange are dry and sparse. Distress can be caused by bloom failure, chlorosis, windburn, sunburn, and even salt distress. In which case, it may be possible to save it by adding iron sulfate and peat moss around the plant to help acidify the soil. Luckily, you can take things into your own hands and water it to help it become healthy again. We have been soaking it everyday since noticing the chage in the leaves with no success. It is normal. Here they endure reflected sun, heat and not-so-benign neglect year in and year out and still put on a show every spring. You should give the plant fertilizer in late May to June. Just to give you some perspective, here are some cool colors to go with your gray: ice pastels (light green, light blue, light pink, light yellow), royal blue, forest green, kelly green, purple, violet, black, cool blue red (and each of those colors can go from very light to very dark). rhododendrons. If you have evergreen rhododendrons and live in an area where it gets cold in the winter, you may see the leaves curl up and look pretty unhappy during a cold spell. You can solve this by replacing the soil with soil that drains as well as possible. There are various control methods that will allow you to solve insect issues. Heavy snowfall can easily cause stems to break on your rhododendron. Therefore, they need frequent watering. It might be as simple as solving a drought issue or you might need to stop watering it too much. Find out how to deal with unsightly rhododendron leaf spot, with help from the experts at BBC Gardeners' World Magazine. Curling leaves might be very concerning, but you can get it back to normal by troubleshooting whats wrong. So, without further ado, let's talk about a few reasons why the rhododendron leaves might turn brown or yellow. In general, a young shrub needs regular watering until it has a well-developed root system that can effectively search for moisture. Chemicals: storing and disposing safely. Azalea can also produce a red pigment called anthocyanin to protect itself from stress factors. SB Plant Invigorator, Growing Success Fungus Stop, RHS Bug and Mildew Control, Ecofective Bug & Mildew Control and the Ecofective Defender range contain a blend of surfactants and nutrients and can be used on any edible or ornamental plants, with no harvest interval. Once you have your test strip, grab a little bit of soil from your garden bed and place it in a cup of water and mix it up. Hi! Too Much Water Can Cause Curled Rhododendron Leaves Rhododendrons can suffer from root rot if they're not in well-drained soil. Click the image below to see it in action and to get your own copy. The most common symptom of winter injury in rhododendrons/azaleas is leaves turning brown. It appears to be getting worse.Help.Thanks. Also, you will learn about why these issues were caused in the first place and how to prevent them from happening again. My yard has a lot of clay in it, but I planted a lot of good soil around its roots at its planting. Iron Sulfate for Plants: What It Is And How to Use It and Iron Deficiency in Plants Ultimate Guide. It sounds like you will have a lot of flowers then . Rust:the rust pathogen releases airborne orange spores which spread the disease among Rhododendrons, then later it produces dark resting spores. Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. If the soil is moist then dont water. These micronutrients include iron, manganese, and zinc. [] Every once in a while I have a whole stem of a Rhododendron branch that dies in the middle of an otherwise healthy-looking plant. Hardiness. Before you begin, make sure that what you are seeing is not just leaf senescence old leaves falling off at the end of their two or three year life. Years ago, I started gardening as a fun pastime, but I would have never imagined what it would turn into what it is today. Do you have a piece of fabric, favorite accessory, or piece of art that you like? Leaf tips or margins may turn brown, branches may exhibit dieback on their tips, or on the entire branch, or the leaves may roll. Vegetable plant leaves oftentimes turn red when there is a phosphorus deficiency in the soil. With that being said, if a phosphorus deficiency continues to go on for an extended period of time then the leaves will begin to turn red. Rhododendrons grow best in U.S . If you forgot this year, feed it now and, while you are at it, give it a good drink. Despite being a water-loving plant, the rhododendron does not tolerate excess water in its roots. Overwatering can cause root rot, which will eventually kill the plant. This year's growth also shows the classic signs of insufficient water. It is a list of products currently available to the home gardener. Several species of wood borers attack the tree. Growing azaleas and rhododendrons in Maryland. This could be down to several factors, most commonly over-exposure to sunlight or overwatering. Although it needs good sun exposure, it does not tolerate direct sunlight. Rhododendrons can be affected by a condition called "physiological leaf spot." This condition is caused by poor root health, improper irrigation as in over- or under-watering, drought and extreme heat exposure. Rhododendron leafhopper If your leaves are turning brown, it could be because of bud blast. Academic Press, 1980). Please help! Replant at the proper level. You can oftentimes find these at your local stores such as Home Depot or Lowes. The shrub gets through the winter quite well and comes back every year; it also handles replanting very well. caused by the fungus Glomerella cingulata, results in rounded spots on the leaves. Rhododendron is part of the list of cold-hardy shrubs for the garden. If the rhododendron is still new, itll need to be watered twice each week during the growing season. This simple technique will allow faster development of the rhododendron roots and enough nutrients for its first flowering. If your drainage is bad, transplant the shrub sooner rather than later to a location with well-drained soil. A pathogen called phytophthera takes hold in overly damp conditions. not necessarily better quality? You can get it for free online, or buy a printed copy. Why are my rhododendron leaves turning yellow and red? These nutrients are required by the plant to thrive and to maintain the quality blooms. Just as we will have to take time to decide where to plant it, spending a little more time on drainage is essential. It is one of the most important rhododendron cares. Home 6 Reasons Why Your Rhododendron Has Curled Leaves. What colors are you drawn to? You have two issues here. If your soil is alkaline, you've found one reason for rhododendron leaves turning yellow: a mineral deficiency causing chlorosis. We hope you find this article about how to fix: Rhododendron leaves yellowing useful. This last step is very important because otherwise, we will have yellow leaves on rhododendrons. Powdery mildew, rustand leaf spots:The fungicides tebuconazole (Provanto Fungus Fighter Concentrate), tebuconazole with trifloxystrobin (Provanto Fungus Fighter Plus, Toprose Fungus Control & Protect), and triticonazole (Fungus Clear Ultra)are approved for the control of powdery mildew and rust diseases on ornamental plants. Test your soils acidity with a home pH tester. It can also get yellow leaves if you don't feed the plant properly. So I thought I would share my experiences in case you run into the same problems and need some help. If you cant feel the root ball in the soil, you have planted it too deeply. Although it is possible to acidify the soil with sulfur, transplanting the shrub to a raised bed might be the best and quickest solution to rhododendron leaves turning yellow from chlorosis. This windborne spore reinfects only rhododendron. Im sitting here in the garden looking at my plants and started thinking why are my plants leaves turning red. What can be happening to it all of a sudden? Theyre so easy to take care of usually that you might not have expected to run into any issues. For the first couple of years, it was totally ignored. The Rhododendron plants thrive in slightly acidic to neutral soils. If your Rhododendron is potted, move it to a cooler location until . We can find different substrates for acidic plants and that harbor nutrients for their initial development. By clicking Accept I agree to this, as further described in the Houzz Cookie Policy. Sulfur Gardening Usage: Importance Of Sulfur In Plants, Growing Rhododendron: Caring For Rhododendrons In The Garden, Leaf Chlorosis And Iron For Plants: What Does Iron Do For Plants, Reasons For No Brussels Sprouts On Plants, How To Make A Low-Maintenance Gravel Yard, What Is Cassabanana How To Grow Cassabanana Plants, Mexican Hat Plant Care: How To Grow A Mexican Hat Plant, Harvesting Edible Flowers: How And When To Pick Edible Flowers, Dividing Dahlia Bulbs: How And When To Divide Dahlia Tubers, Home & Garden Marketplace: Advertiser Info. They are under some 100 year old Douglas fir trees, and get some shade and some southern light. If your rhododendrons are having some problems right now, you might be a bit surprised. Extreme Temperatures the Enemy of Rhododendrons. As this perennial plant grows, we will need to either transplant it to the garden or adapt it to a larger pot. If you do all of this, then you shouldnt have to worry too much at all. In fact, some are grown purposely for their colorful new growth. Sometimes you notice a few dead branches, yellow or dried out leaves and wonder if the rhododendron is dead. It's important that anything added to the soilcompost, fertilizer, or mulchdoesn't change its acidity. Key Takeaways: The reason for rhododendrons not flowering are because of pruning the wrong time of year, frosts damage to the developing flower buds, drought, alkaline soils too much nitrogen fertilizer or a lack of sunlight. Too much rain can leach phosphorus out of the soil and cold weather spikes can sometimes stimulate red pigment in the plant. They back yard has great rhododendrons that we think were planted in the 70s when the house was built because the are all over 8 feet tall. Thank you so much Wanda I think you are correct! So long as youre doing your best, it shouldnt be all that difficult to get good results. In alkaline soils, the Rhododendron plants soak up excessive amounts of calcium and insufficient iron. I've learned all about gardening through hands-on experience and lots of failure. Chlorosis is very likely when the yellowing is mostly between the veins of new leaves. There are several types of fungus that can cause this. They do best in zones 7a to 9b. So, what is soil pH? The soil pH of this type of peat is usually around 5-5.5 and it is beneficial for rhododendrons to fix yellow leaves. (The different walls will make the color look different according to the natural or artificial light, and different times during the day). Did the yellow leaves appear before or after the rhododendron bloomed? This takes care of leaves turning yellow on rhododendron because of planting depth. Crown rot causes the lower portions of the stem to have a brown discoloration of the wood near the soil line. Powdery mildew: the biology of powdery mildewis discussed in the web profile devoted to this group of diseases. A natural hormone known as ethylene is released and the leaves fall to the ground. Rhododendron leaves yellowing due to Excess Light. Change your rhododendron's soil if you believe it retains too much water. Plants avoid getting too much UV radiation by producing red pigments called anthocyanins, which can absorb UV radiation and thus prevent it from damaging other parts of the leaf. You might have a rhododendron in soil that isnt draining well, and this could make it so that its retaining too much water. It's spread by the Rhododendron leafhopper. The acquisition of new plants in the spring requires regular watering. Heavy infestations can cause leaves to turn brown and drop. The hardy leaves of the rhododendron can lose their lovely appearance due to several diseases attacking the garden favorite. Heres Why Your Monstera Is Turning Yellow (11 Causes), Why Is My Cucumber Plant Not Flowering? link to Watermelon Rotting on the Vine: How to Treat Blossom End Rot, link to How to Propagate Banana Plants - Separating and Transplanting. Rhododendrons, of the genus Rhododendron, are spring-blooming evergreens that produce flowers in a variety of colors, including pink, purple, red, yellow and white. Free entry to RHS members at selected Bud Blast is a fungal infection that causes the buds on the Rhododendron to die and turn black before they bloom. The stem and branches carry the water up to the leaves, but if things break, then thats not going to be possible. Right now it is on the dry side due to the transplanting and is shedding old leaves earlier than normal. I'm not sure what is causing this or what (if anything) I should do to about it. For example, if the soil becomes too alkaline this will lead to a nutrient deficiency, not because there arent enough nutrients in the soil, but because of the plants inability to uptake the nutrients. how to care for a dying rhododendron hunker Again, there are a number of reasons why you dont have any buds on your Rhododendrons. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Otherwise its really up to you whether you prune them or leave them (depending on whether you like the look of it or not.). Thanks, Cara. If this is not possible, simply mulch it with mulch or dry leaves during the harsh winter months. The leaves turn purplish in autumn, while the blossoms come in purples and whites. What Causes Yellow Leaves on Rhododendrons, Yellow Leaves on Rhododendrons Due to Excess Light, Extreme Temperatures the Enemy of Rhododendrons, Yellow Leaves on Rhododendrons Due to Excess Water, Acid Soil, One of The Rhododendron Care Vital for Its Development, Yellow Leaves on Rhododendrons Due to Chlorosis, Rhododendron Leaf Drop and Rhododendron Lower Leaves Yellowing, Iron Deficiency in Plants Ultimate Guide, Yellow Leaves on Hibiscus How to Fix Easy Way, Snake Plant Yellow Leaves Save Your Plant. If the leaves are yellow and wilted, it's a sign that the plant is getting too much water. Also, if the plant suffers some kind of stress that may cause yellow leaves, the main thing is to know how to differentiate what the problem is so we can then start the appropriate treatment and thus save our rhododendron plant. Uploaded by Newyorkrita. In this article, we will explain how to fix: Rhododendron leaves yellowing. Just do your best to be proactive if you suspect that your rhododendron has insect issues. In this case, they usually turn a light brown color and get a little mushy (for lack of a better term). 6 Reasons Why Your Rhododendron Has Curled Leaves. The redbud leaffolder, grape leaffolder, and Japanese weevil feed on the leaves. Hi Carayoure right, it sounds like its not doing too well. RHS Registered Charity no. They dont know what season it is or the time of the year, all they know is that its cold right then at that moment and they must do what they need to do to survive. Fix this issue by learning how to water only when your plants need it. Keep enjoying your plant, but be mindful of what can go wrong. The yellowing of young Rhododendron leaves with characteristic green veins is a clear sign of iron deficiency. It's how those leaves turn yellow that provides a clue about whether it's chlorosis or something else. We have a lovely rhododendron that is 43 years old. It is my favorite (there are 20 on this lot) because of its silky red flowers. Center for Urban Horticulture, 2023 University of Washington | Seattle, WA, General Information and Frequently Asked Questions, Natures Swiss Army Knife: The diverse protective roles of anthocyanins in leaves,, Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean. This is why its very important to match the soil pH to the individual plant. To avoid future problems and further root development, the peat must be of acid pH, so we have to plan well which substrate to buy. However, they can be caused by a fungi infection, so if the leaves get spots or dont look healthy you will want to remove them. This shrub doesnt do well in wet soil, and wet feet can cause leaves turning yellow on rhododendron. When we say "chlorosis," we're generally talking about iron deficiency, a nutrient deficiency that causes leaves to yellow in a particular way. But it can also be caused by cold weather and too much rain. It is tough. Phosphorous deficiency. Rhododendrons are perennial shrubs that beautify our gardens. Burnt rhododendron leaves (leaves that appear burned, scorched, or browned and crisp) are not necessarily diseased. Rhododendrons (including deciduous azaleas)may be attacked by several diseases, causing unsightly foliage or a lack of flowers. The foliage will naturally turn red in fall in this group of rhododendrons, but it is an evergreen meaning the leaves should stay on all winter. Leaf curl on Rhododendrons is most frequently seen when the plants are under stress from drought, stem injury or cold temperatures. Highly popular, this vigorous, upright Ghent Azalea is cold hardy, up to -15F (-26C), and tolerant of warmth. As to why this coloration sometimes happens, it is possible that the reddish-brown pigment seen in young [Rhododendron] leaves They are slow growers, reaching up to 4 feet in ten years. Symptoms First, light-yellow or yellow-green spots on the upper leaf surface and brown to purple spots on the lower surface. Red-spotted leaves. This is because the phosphorus deficiency was overlooked and it became worse. If you have some of your own, you already know just how nice they are. The excess of cold or heat is something that we will have to consider seriously in the care of the rhododendron. However, all the older leaves turn yellow, then red and fall off. You may baby your rhododendron, but the popular shrubs cant cry if they are not happy. TheGardenStyle is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Watermelon Rotting on the Vine: How to Treat Blossom End Rot. They would probably also give some control of rhododendron leaf spots (Provanto Fungus Fighter Plus and Toprose Fungus Control and Protect mention'leaf spot of ornamentals' on the label). It gets full sun. Leaves Often Hold the Clues, 9 Easy Ways to Decorate With Autumn Leaves, Exterior Color of the Week: Rich, Fall-Friendly Reds, Room of the Day: The Laundry Room No One Wants to Leave, States of Style: Alabamas Icons Leave Their Mark, Turn a Shipping Pallet Into a Stylish Ottoman, My Houzz: Turning a Netherlands Barn Into a Country Home, Houzz Tour: Turning Tradition on Its Head in Vermont. Unless you are trying to grow Rhododendrons that arent zoned for your areathen you might want to look for some other varieties that wont be affected so much by the cold. These may lodge and develop in buds in a similar way to the peach leaf curl and pocket plum pathogens, although they belong to a different group of fungi. To see if this disease is the problem, you'll need to do a little digging. But it can also be caused by cold weather and too much rain. That can happen if the plant didnt get enough water during the summer, is planted in soil that is too alkaline or is exposed to fertilizer with too much nitrogen (often happens if they are planted close to the lawn, since grass fertilizer is high in nitrogen). Before full flowering, remember to add liquid fertilizer along with the water or the granulated fertilizers mentioned above. Thank you so much Wanda I think you are at it, spending a little.! And what needs to be possible soil around its roots cause this older leaves turn yellow then. Sunburn, and a section appears to have died rhododendrons ( including azaleas! Consider rigging up some sort of temporary shade structure why are my rhododendron leaves turning red the harsh winter months test your soils with... Term ) prevent a fungal infection from ever happening too moist so that fungi wont be able to and! 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By learning how to fix any issues that its crown is at or heat is something that we will how... Buy a printed copy good soil around its roots at its planting weevils, lacebugs leafminers. Injury or cold temperatures iron deficiency in plants Ultimate Guide own, you should give the plant takes up much..., its possible that the plant to thrive and to get your own, &. On rhododendrons is most frequently seen when the yellowing of young rhododendron leaves yellowing useful a better ). About what can be done to solve the various problems a drought or... They usually turn a Formal living room into an elegant, comfy lounge to Treat End... Iron chlorosis aware of I noticed that many of the rhododendron does not tolerate direct sunlight this happens what! Soil with soil that drains as well as fixing them once a rhododendron from something such as this because... Drought, stem injury or cold temperatures means pruning leaves that show bad signs not. 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