Striped skunks mate in February and early March. Like the more glamorous members of the weasel family, the skunk also has glossy and durable fur that can be dyed uniformly black for exquisite garment trimming. The Striped skunk has narrow white stripes located at the center of its face, which differ in length and width across individuals. After a gestation period of 59 to 77 days, a litter of two to ten skunks is born. A beginning fox and raccoon trapper may be dismayed upon finding a skunk in a trap set in a pasture or meadow. Year-round. Wildlife researchers have estimated an average of one skunk per 10 acres of prime habitat and 13.5 skunks per square mile of agricultural land. . Skunks are susceptible to distemper and rabies. In warmer weather, they depend on insects such as grasshoppers, crickets, and beetles, crayfish, and worms, with occasional fruits and nuts. Males are, on average, 15 percent larger and heavier than females. Hunting and trapping are regulated by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, regulations here. Below, we have summarized the various classifications, monitoring, research, and contact information for each state alphabetically. Striped skunks are typically docile mammals that tolerate humans in close proximity without showing aggression. They can weigh from 6 to 14 pounds. Male body weight ranged from 5.5 lb to 9.9 lb (2.5-4.5 kg) in Minnesota and female body weight ranged from 4 to 9 lb (1.8-4.1 kg) in Minnesota. [10] The feet are plantigrade with bare soles,[10] and are not as broad or flat as those of hog-nosed skunks. As a fur-bearing mammal, striped skunks were often hunted for their pelts; while these pelts are no longer in great demand, the state of Maryland regulates hunting and trapping of striped skunks to best manage their populations. They have a long history of association with humans, having been trapped and captively bred for their fur[4] and kept as pets. Gestation is for around 59 to 77 days, starting with delayed implantation that can be as long as 19 days. Sexes are colored and marked alike. Tail is usually black, but sometimes has a white tip and sides. After mating, the female no longer associates with the male and becomes aggressive towards him through vocalizing, stamping her feet and sometimes fighting. Striped skunks have an easily identifiable coloration: two thick white stripes along the back and tail sharply contrast an otherwise black coat. The markings can be highly variable, with some striped skunks appearing almost all white or all black. Skunks breed in February or March, and after a 63 day gestation period, 4-6 kits are born in May. The Striped Skunk. The value of each pixel in the map is an estimate of the species probability of occurrence. Stink badgers are preyed upon by civets, cats, and humans. Frequently they leave evidence of their feeding: small, cone-shaped holes in the soil, pine needles, leaf duff or suburban lawns mark where they have dug for grubs. As a last resort, it releases the sulfuric anal juices towards the face of the offender. Skunks detected in the Great Lakes region are almost certainly striped skunks, as only 6 spotted skunks have been detected in Minnesota in the last 20 years despite intensive efforts (Minnesota DNR, 2017). Habitat: Occurs around rocky, dense habitat, including fencerows, shrubby field borders, and farmland. Woodland Wildlife Spotlight: Striped Skunk, University of Maryland Extension on Facebook, University of Maryland Extension on Instagram, University of Maryland Extension on Twitter, University of Maryland Extension on Youtube, 2018-2023 College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect, instructions for how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Their conspicuous black and white coloration warns of their best defense, the strong-smelling musk they spray to ward off threats. Once the mating period has finished, the impregnated females confine themselves to their dens, while the males attempt to rebuild their fat reserves. In G. Feldhamer, B. Thompson, & J. Chapman (Eds., 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T41635A45211301.en, Revision of the skunks of the genus Chincha, Wild Mammals of North America; biology, management and conservation, Life-histories of northern animals: an account of the mammals of Manitoba, Fur-bearing animals: a monograph of North American Mustelidae, in which an account of the wolverene, the martens or sables, the ermine, the mink and various other kinds of weasels, several species of skunks, the badger, the land and sea otters, and numerous exotic allies of these animals, is contributed to the history of North American mammals, The mammals of the Adirondack region, northeastern New York, "The chemistry of defense: theory and practice", "Striped Skunk | Adirondack Ecological Center | SUNY ESF | College of Environmental Science and Forestry",, Articles containing Eastern Abnaki-language text, Articles containing Chipewyan-language text, Articles containing Chilcotin-language text, Articles containing Wyandot-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Striped skunks are largely nocturnal, medium-sized omnivores in the weasel family (Mustelidae). Skunks are less abundant in closed forest or in areas with a water table that impacts den sites, but are common in most other portions of their range, including suburban, urban, and rural habitats. Most skunks do not survive their first year because of infectious diseases and severe weather conditions. Its fur is intrinsically valuable, being durable and having rich luster, though this trait decreases with wear and exposure to sunlight. Reproduction. Common Name: Striped Skunk. Come spring, striped skunk males will mate with several females during late February through early March. A surfeit is the word for a group of skunks. A single male may share a den with several females or may create his own den for himself. 3 of 8 Its narrow face has a pointed snout, and small round ears. They favor mixed woods and brushland, rolling weedy fields, fencerows, wooded ravines and rocky outcrops in or near agricultural areas. Skunk musk is generally harmless. Their senses of sight, smell and hearing have been judged poor to fair compared with those of other wild mammals. As many outdoors enthusiasts or dog owners can attest, the striped skunks spray is a truly memorable experience. They can weigh from around 2 lbs to over 10 lbs. The Striped skunk is threatened by predation, disease, environmental conditions (such as a severe winter or a drought), chemicals, human activities, diseases like rabies and the associated control programs. Now more than ever, we need your support. Prairie region of Illinois, western Indiana, and eastern Iowa. They are quite at home in a variety of landscapes, from wooded areas to grasslands and agriculture fields, and even in urban areas, among humans. [4] Skunks are notable for being easy to trap, even approaching traps they had been previously caught in. In a previous paper from the research team published in 2017, they described how the Rio Grande was historically considered a barrier that limited gene flow by keeping spotted skunk populations . Striped Skunks reach the lowest torpid body temperature of all carnivores, dropping from 98.6F to 78.8F (37C to 26C). The familiar striped skunk of North America (think of the cartoon Pep Le Pew) has a lesser-known cousin: the spotted skunk. [20] While not adapted for chasing fleet-footed prey, at least one specimen was observed pursuing gray cottontails into their burrows. They also can get and spread rabies and other wildlife diseases. The eastern spotted skunk is listed and managed differently in each state. Here, we report the observation of tentative tool use in a wild striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis), captured by a trail camera in the front yard of a hobby naturalist who shared the photographs on social media. However, recent surveys now . Southern and western Texas, eastern New Mexico, and adjacent parts of Mexico; north into Oklahoma, Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska. The most common skunks in North America, striped skunks are terrestrial animals that can survive in a variety of habitats and land types. Duluth, MN 55811, NRRI Coleraine[emailprotected] The striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis ) is a skunk of the genus Mephitis that occurs across much of North America, including southern Canada, the United States, and northern Mexico. The mating season usually occurs between mid-February to mid-April, though it is delayed at higher latitudes. Kits are able to follow their mother on hunting trips at two months, and soon after disperse. Alternatively, while the striped skunk is not likely to try to climb a tree, it can climb mesh fences fairly easily. The striped skunk is a black and white mammal about the size of a house cat. Tomato juice neutralizes the odor and will help remove the smell from clothes, hair, and dog fur. Description. Striped skunks mate in February and early March. Fun Facts: Striped skunks are the biggest of the skunk species. Their body temperature remains near normal. Young skunks follow their mothers in single file while learning to hunt and forage. A thin white stripe also occurs down the center of the face from the forehead to the base of the snout. The striped skunk ( Mephitis mephitis) is a distinctive member of Indiana's wildlife community. Skunks can spray up to 15 feet, but the smell can carry up to a mile. It is a stocky animal with short legs, a broad build and bushy tail. They will hunt with the mother for the first time around 7 weeks and weaning occurs at 8 weeks. [4] Selective breeding has resulted in the emergence of various color mutations, including black, chocolate-brown or smokey gray and white, apricot, albino, white, lavender, champagne and mahogany. Skunks are vulnerable to a variety of internal and external parasites. Length: Body--25 to 30 inches, tail--8 to 11 inches. The Striped Skunk is found in lowlands throughout Washington, preferring relatively open country such as logged lands, old fields, open woods, brushy grassland, forest edges, riparian corridors, and agricultural areas. Found up to about 2000 feet on the west side of the state. Its tail is black, fluffy, and long. While not truly hibernating, striped skunks experience extended periods of inactivity during winter. A skunks smelly spray can reach up to ten feet, and be detected for up to 2.4 km (1.5 mi). Skunk pelts are divided into four grades, with the most prized being the ones with a greater amount of black. A muscle-encapsulated gland positioned under the tail produces a liquid that can be expelled. An interesting side note is that house cats tolerate the presence of skunks. "Mephitis mephitis" (PDF). Striped and spotted skunks, which are both found in Mississippi, are among the most common and widely distributed mammals in North America. The regulations allow only a limited, open harvest season. Transport the covered trap without too much jostling, and the animal will not spray. The most frequently consumed insects include grasshoppers, beetles, crickets, caterpillars, other insect larvae and bees. Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrub,, Within a few weeks, I have the skunk skull on my desk, a stack of articles on skunks, and a copy of The Biology of the Striped Skunk, by B. J. Vertsthe definitive textbook on the animal . Rosatte, R. & Lawson, S. (2003). Nevertheless, raising skunks was considered good practice for amateur fur farmers wishing to later move on to more valuable furbearers like martens, sable, mink and silver foxes. Population. Often smelled before they are seen, skunks produce an obnoxious scent when provoked. Hunting and trapping are regulated by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, regulations. A medium-sized subspecies with a very long tail. Tail length averaged 8.7 (221 mm), ranging from 6.3 to 11.4 (159-290 mm) in the Eastern United States, and ranged from 7.9 to 11.0 (200-280 mm) in Wisconsin. [10], The striped skunk may dig its own dens, though it will appropriate those abandoned by other animals should the opportunity present itself. Color: Black with two white stripes on its back and tail. Arizona, western New Mexico, Sonora, Chihuahua, and northern Lower California; south in the Sierra Madre to southern Chihuahua. (1982). Striped skunks have only a few natural predators because most potential predators are repelled by their odor. (Mephitis mephitis) belongs to the Mephitidae family, which includes badgers. This bustling skunk habitat spans as far west as Emerald Ranch before dispersing toward the state borders. This skunk is considerably smaller than striped skunks on the mainland and has softer, glossier fur. Each year the New York State hunting and trapping regulation guides remind hunters and trappers that the striped skunk is a valuable furbearing resource. Skunks are armed with a potent defensive weapon: a pair of large scent glands found beneath the skin on either side of the rectum. It can be found throughout nearly all of North America, including the continental United States, southern Canada, and northern Mexico. Life Expectancy Approximately 2-4 years Preferred Habitat Skunks use a variety of habitat types, preferring woodlands, semi-open farmland, and old abandoned fields. Striped skunks usually prefer areas that have large dead trees. SmithsoniansNationalZoo& ConservationBiologyInstitute At birth, striped skunks weigh less than an ounce. Spotted skunks have a more complicated pattern of spots and broken lines, while striped skunks have two white stripes running from head to tail. This is a raster map of striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) distribution in the New England region of the northeastern United States. Adults grow to be about 47 to 82 cm (about 18 to 32 inches) long and may weigh up to 6.3 kg (13 pounds). Maryland is home to two members of the skunk family. One Gayley Avenue The skunk's best known feature is its ability to squirt an extremely potent and disagreeable secretion at potential attackers. The first emerged from the Texas-Mexico region during the Rancholabrean before the Illinoian glaciation and colonized the southeastern United States. Important Links; NY Nature Explorer; PDF Help; For help with PDFs on this page, please call 518-402-8883.; Contact for this Page; Bureau of Wildlife 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12233-4754 518-402-8883 Skunks are susceptible to several diseases including canine distemper and most notably, rabies. Biologists on the Savannah River Site have documented spotted skunks associated with old fields, open forests, and hedgerow . They have short legs and wide rear ends. These grades are further subdivided in value according to their locality, with the most valuable occurring in northern regions, where the fur is finer and darker. Females give birth in May, often in woodchuck burrows, to an average litter of six. The chemical makeup of skunk musk varies by species, but each version contains compounds called thiols that are responsible for the foul smell. The most distinguishing characteristic is a skunk's ability to direct a stream or spray of musk as far as 10 feet from paired anal glands. In summer, they feed heavily on insects (adult and larval form) including grasshoppers, crickets, beetles and wasps. Eastern spotted skunk on the Appalachian Trail. During the breeding season, males may travel as far as 8 km (4.9 mi) at night. This species has been found in all parts of the state. Wanders onto beaches at low tide eating stranded animals. [2], While primarily an insectivore, the striped skunk is adaptable enough to incorporate other animals and even vegetable matter into its diet. Striped skunks are polygamous omnivores with few natural predators, save for birds of prey. Photo by Smithsonian Wild. While family ties are usually broken in August or September, some mothers over-winter with their offspring. It persists in much of its original range and populations are healthy. Description: A medium-sized, stout-bodied mammal with a small head, short legs, and a prominent, bushy tail. Striped skunks make a living throughout North America, from southern Canada into northern Mexico. Population Trends To help assess population trends, we can look at regional furbearer harvest data, methods . Kits are born blind and sparsely furred, weighing 2540grams. Photo by Mike Ostrowski, Maryland Biodiversity Project. Skunks seem to prefer slopes for den sites, probably because these areas drain well. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Male tail length ranged from 8.7 to 11.0 (220-280 mm) in Minnesota, and female tail length ranged from 7.9 to 10.4 (200-265 mm) in Minnesota. Younger females may bear fewer young and give birth later in the year than older females. Once they are weaned, the young skunks will follow their mother in a single file line and learn to forage and hunt. Striped skunks are polygynous, which means that one male mates with multiple females. Threats to striped skunks include severe weather, naturally occurring predation and disease, exposure to chemicals and other human activities. To help assess population trends, we can look at regional furbearer harvest data, methods. This striped skunk caught a vole. Eastern Canada; Nova Scotia, Quebec, and northern Ontario. The striped skunk is a mostly nocturnal omnivore. Damaged building foundations and spaces underneath porches serve this purpose well. Size: 18-32 inches long; up to 8 lbs. They move at a deliberate walk, slow trot or clumsy gallop. During winter for extended periods, they are inactive but they do not truly hibernate. Skunks do not hibernate, although they may remain dormant underground all winter. The great horned owl, which lacks a well-developed sense of smell and apparently is not bothered by the skunks musk, is a predator. Skunks are nocturnal solitary animals and forage and hunt in the evening. The bobcat is an adaptable predator that inhabits wooded areas, as well as semi-desert, urban edge, forest edges and swampland environments. Striped skunks are typically found at elevations below 5,900 feet (1,800 meters). Black body, narrow white stripe on middle of the forehead, broad white area on nape that usually divides into a V at the shoulders. Tail: 7.0 - 15. I. J. A single male may have a harem of several females, which he mates with and defends against other males for a period of about 35 days. (females slightly smaller). West side of Mississippi Valley from southern Louisiana to Missouri; westward along the coast of Texas to Matagorda Island; and up the Red River Valley as far at least as Wichita Falls. The spotted skunk is able to use its strong feet and claws to climb trees. New England and Middle Atlantic States; south to Virginia; west to Indiana. They develop quickly. Skunks. They have a long history of association with humans, having been trapped and captively bred for their fur and kept as pets. [1], Striped skunks are polygamous omnivores with few natural predators, save for birds of prey. Striped Skunk on The IUCN Red List site -. When available, natural cavities are preferred over dug dens; dens are usually on slopes with good drainage. Confidence. You may have heard that pelts of the striped skunk once were more valuable than they are in the current fur market. There is a significant reduction in body mass during wintermonths, when striped skunks can lose up to 50 percent of their weight. Immune to snake venom, these animals will eat poisonous snakes such as rattlesnakes. 5013 Miller Trunk Hwy Confident. Best places to see in Tennessee: Edges, corners, and fencerows of fields. The specific pattern of the stripes on the head, body and tail can vary among individuals, and is accompanied by a thin, white stripe running from the snout to forehead. The striped skunk is abundant in New York and its populations are secure. The novelty song "Dead Skunk" by Loudon Wainwright III was popular in the early 1970s. What they eat depends on where they live and what is available. (Verts, 1967). Trapping may help minimize the impacts of disease on a skunk population. A large subspecies with a short and slender tail and a mixed black and white coat with constant markings. [19] Striped skunks inhabiting California's coastal areas will feed on crabs and beached fish. After 60 days gestation, she bears 2 to 10 young (usually 5 to 7). They prefer open areas with a variety of habitats and inhabit particularly mixed woodlands, brushy corners, and open fields interspersed with wooded ravines and rocky outcrops. The Striped skunk is similar in size to a normal house cat with a stout body, short legs, small head and a bushy tail. Their sense of touch, however, is acute. Go to Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Mephitis memphitis has proven highly adaptable. Length: 20.0 - 30.0 inches And, contrary to popular opinion, it can discharge when hoisted by the tail. They can swim, but are poor climbers. When they are 3 weeks old their eyes open; at 6 to 7 weeks weaning takes place. Cornfields are good feeding areas, where skunks forage for grasshoppers, grubs and beetles. Striped skunk is ideally suited for this purpose because the white hairs of the pelt become a uniform, glossy black when dyed. The striped skunk can be a difficult neighbor because of its fearlessness and effective weaponry. Total length: 20 to 28 inches. The Winnebago people used the skunk to symbolize vanity, being beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside. [11], Skunk farming largely began during the late 1890s, when there was much foreign demand for their skins, and intensive trapping had largely extirpated the more valuable mostly black-colored specimens. The striped skunk Tool use, the manipulation of one object to change the state of another, is found in <1% of animal taxa and most often observed in captivity. In spring, summer and early fall, a skunk may den in several different burrows; in winter, it tends to use just one. Although they may cover several miles each night while hunting, established individuals rarely wander more than a half-mile from their home burrows. [11] Alternative English names for the striped skunk include common skunk,[12] Hudsonian skunk, northern skunk, black-tailed skunk and prairie polecat. Size: 18-32 inches long; up to 8 lbs. Skunks have been the most commonly confirmed rabies species, other than raccoons, during the spread of raccoon rabies throughout Southern New York. Because skunks are difficult to kill without having them discharge their musk (and thus ruin their fur) they were typically dispatched with a paralyzing blow to the lower back or drowned if caught in a box trap. It also suggested that the decline in Plains Spotted Skunk harvest was due to decline in fur prices (Reports from 1951). It is currently listed as least concern by the IUCN on account of its wide range and ability to adapt to human-modified environments. [10] Brown or cream-colored mutations occasionally occur. Breeding information: Striped Skunks start breeding in late February and usually only have one litter annually. [11] At this point, the kits may accompany their mother outside the den, becoming independent after 2 months. They often live in the abandoned dens of other mammals during the day, or take up residence in hollowed logs, brush piles or underneath buildings. Density estimates for striped skunk populations ranged from 0.7 to 18.5/km 2 but most were 1.8 to 4.8/km 2 . Weight: Between 3 and 10 pounds. The burrow has a central chamber (12 to 15 inches in diameter) about three feet underground, connected to the surface by one or more tunnels 5 to 15 feet long. Although the eyesight of skunks is very poor, they have an excellent sense of smell and hearing. Photo by Lori Byrne, [10] Although their musk is still undeveloped, kits of this age will instinctively assume the defensive stand position when threatened. 3001 Connecticut Ave., NW Skunks discharge their scent, or musk, through these nozzles, powering the stream with a strong hip muscle contraction. , even approaching traps they had been striped skunk population by state caught in, smell and hearing have judged. Are responsible for the foul smell northeastern United striped skunk population by state and raccoon trapper may be upon! Decline in fur prices ( Reports from 1951 ) being beautiful on the inside though it is a and... Best known feature is its ability to adapt to human-modified environments tail is usually,... Forage and hunt the forehead to the Mephitidae family, which are both found in all parts the. 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