Laodicea was known for three things: It was a wealthy city and a financial center. 4. After he sinned, he felt his nakedness and shame. Faith is the means (produces the results) of sanctifying grace, Now to the business of how to purchase white garments from Christ. Laodicea was a church that had not overcome sin but rather been overcome by sin. It would appear so. Christ told the church at Laodicea to buy___from Him so they could see. More than likely, the members of the church in Laodicea were carnal Christians. The city's reputation was for its money transactions and the good quality of raven-black wool grown in the area.1 The black wool, spun into dark yarn, was added to yarn dyed in other colors and made some very intricately patterned colored clothing, which sold for a high price in Rome. Therefore God exalted Him and gave Him his own thrown (Philippians 2:5-11). Unfortunately, Colossae did not have the wealth that Hierapolis or Laodicea possessed, and the city did not completely rebound from the earthquake in 60 A.D. as well as they did. Many portions of the city remained unusable afterward. But we have to invite Him inside. valley. Hebrew writing has no vowels, so the Greek leter for "e" was added by the translaters to make the word easier to read and speak. Jesus is telling the church to have a purpose, to have a focus, and to make sure that Jesus is the reason for their deeds and works. Youre going to have to spend time reading the Word, studying the Word, memorizing the Word, meditating on the Word, and obeying the Word. We're currently processing your request and we'll be in touch soon. They are not visiting the shut-ins, the hospitalized prisoners, or serving as Jesus served. Their money has become their idol, and they worship it rather than worshiping God. into Greek letters, and then into English letters. I could wish you were cold or hot. It is possible that faith was the refined gold that Christians were told to purchase from Jesus. This promise is amazing because, whenever we do overcome in the battles of life, it is always through Him. Its another way of saying, Listen up! Dinner was a time for everyone to catch up on the daily activities of the rest of the family, and whatever friends were in attendance. 15byou are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. To purchase from God gold tried in the fire is not only inclining your ear to the Lord, hearing him, going to him and making an everlasting covenant with him, but also loving, believing, and rejoicing as per 1 Peter 1:5-9, (quoted earlier). It is very important to understand that this verse is NOT saying that Jesus was the first thing created; rather, it is stating that Jesus was the source of creation. It is showing that all things were created through Him. The problem lies in that it seems improbable that Christ would use a human to write a physical letter to an angel, rebuking it for falling short in its duties as a Christ-follower.4 If the angel is an actual angelic representative of the local church, and answerable for its failure, then the seven angels in chapters 1 through 3 failed miserably. The fertile fields below the city were excellent for growing crops, and the foothills had good pastureland. The possibility exists that no one will hear his voice, and no one will open the door. Incline your ear and come to Me. If we are humble and willing to obey, He will give us the strength and resolve we need to endure in the battle. The word discipline is the Greek word (paideu) and means to correct, to chastise.22 The basic idea behind this word is correction or guidance. What did Christ tell the Laodiceans to buy to cover their nakedness? These rivers provided the water the crops and flocks needed in the Lycos valley. Jesus wants you to be cold. Associated with the temple was a medical school. In the first theory, if the angel is an actual angel, then we can infer that each church has its own guardian angel. You will know Gods character and will, and that is the heart of spiritual discernment being able to distinguish the voice of God from the voice of the world. (14) To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God, says this: What does it mean to be hot? It was about 100 miles east of the port city of Ephesus. The Laodiceans needed to turn away from putting their trust in their earthly gold and instead put their trust in Jesus Christ, and that would involve repentance. The great Roman road stretching to the inland of Asia from the coast at Ephesus ran straight through its center, making Laodicea an important center of trade and communication. Theater of popular music. That the citys banking assets were noteworthy is evidenced by the fact that Cicero cashed huge bank drafts in Laodicea. As a result of not being either hot or cold for Jesus, they are like a rancid drink or repugnant drink that leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. Jesus is telling the church that He doesnt simply know their deeds; He knows the motives in their hearts. Your time in the Word should be at a minimum, four times a week. As we await the return of Jesus Christ to earth, we need to avoid becoming callous to Gods way of life and His expectations of us. Blaiklock speculated that this probably came from dried mud from one of the numerous hot springs in the area. Verse three follows with, Incline your ear and come unto Me. Have you ever been locked out of your own house? While we may never be free from temptation and sin in this lifetime, we can still be victorious and overcome. In the New Testament, eyes tend to represent spiritual discernment (Matthew 13:10-17, 1 John 2:11). Removing those impurities, such as trace metals and ores, requires the gold to go through a process called smelting. The fruit of godly repentance is unmistakable: earnestness (zeal) to do what is right in the eyes of God. Because you say, I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothingand do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and nakedI counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. If you are living a self-reliant, self-sufficient life; relying on your strength rather than Christs, then you are lukewarm. We cannot deny our sin or find excuses to justify it. The city of Laodicea was located between the cities of Hierapolis and Colossae. There should be no hesitation in rushing to the door and flinging it open. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. The discipline of Christ stated in Hebrews 12:5-11, explains that God's discipline proceeds from his love and seeks to develop righteousness in his people. gold. 3. The problem seems to be in their motives. To answer these questions, we need to look at Laodicea from the eyes of the Laodiceans. 18band white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed. As Jesus warned in His Olivet Prophecy, But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. Knowing this historical fact sheds light on why the church in Laodicea would have been told that Jesus would give them salve to put on their eyes so they could truly see. Having gotten their attention, Jesus then explains why He described their spiritual condition as lukewarm. What did we read in Isaiah 55:1-3? Both Laodicea and Philadelphia served as gateways to the eastern region of Phrygia and as ambassadors for Greek culture. This messageas well as all of the othersis still important for Christians today. 1 Peter 1:7 states that spiritual gold is your faith in Christ, and every true believers faith in Jesus will go through a fiery trial during which all that is dross is to be done away with (burned away) to bring forth a finished product of pure, refined gold. There is a difference between transliteration and translation. He and his wife, Teddi, have two grown children and seven grandchildren. The keys, according to this passage, are becoming skilled in the Word of God (by which we define righteousness) and practice (through which we gain experience). Hebrews 5:11-14 shows how the eye salve to fix spiritual discernment is utilized. Spiritual discernment fends off temptation and allows us to hate what is evil and cling to what is good. The church at Laodicea stands accused of being shamefully naked. -- Revelation 3: 14 (ESV) . His names include: the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness and the Beginning of the creation of God (verse 14). They probably think they are just like any other church. Good deeds (Ephesians 2:10), godliness (1 Peter 1:15), Christ-likeness (1 Peter 2:21), and fulfilling the demands of the Law (Rom 8:4) are all part of the cost in purchasing white garments from Christ.). As the water cooled down, it lost its effectiveness. 14bthe Amen. The positive aspect is that if someone does hear his voice, and does open the door, Jesus will come in. Since Christ is referring to spitting something out of his mouth, the image of lukewarm wine comes to mind. "11 (According to, the word "aver" means to declare positively, or state something as a fact.) On the cross daily, they suffer and die. Jesus also told the Laodiceans to "anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see" (Revelation 3:18). Gold mined from rock always has impurities. Therefore be zealous and repent. We must pray and cry out to God, and our lust for sin has to feel the pain of being denied. 1. 20a Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him. Laodicea on the Lycus, located at the crossroads of important trade routes, was once a prosperous city, famous for its black wool, banking services, and medical achievements. But hot water also had another use. To fully understand what amen means, you must turn to the Old Testament. (Luke 9:23, Luke 14:26) It costs us something. In terms of healing, the hot Christian will be bringing souls to Christ, healing them of their sinful condition. 19a Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline. It looks like Laodicea had put their faith in the gold that perishes. His obedience was because, as a man, He had self-will that was in agreement with the Father's. The Greek word for "witness" ( - martus) means "one who can or does aver what he has seen or heard or knows. There is also a problem with assigning the pastor or bishop to the role of the messenger because they are not referred to as messengers anywhere in the New Testament. In the context of Revelation 3, then, Christ was standing at the door of the Laodicean church, eager to re-enter the congregation through the genuine repentance of its members. The eye salve must be purchased, and it is expensive. By knowing and obeying the Word of God, you will be trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. One of these is what the Bible calls the deceitfulness of riches (Matthew 13:22; Mark 4:19). What will happen to me? Contrition, on the other hand, is regret for the sin committed against Gods love and regret for having grieved the Holy Spirit. The word rebuke is the Greek word (elegch) and means to convict, to prove one in the wrong.21 Jesus is doing more than just telling the Laodiceans their faults; he is convicting them of their sin. 4. With so much wealth pouring into Laodicea, one of the most noted banks in the Greek and Roman world was located there. In other words, the name indicated that people made their own decisions. 3. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Keep in mind as you read about the Laodiceans that they are a church filled with Christians. The Greek word arche, which is translated Beginning, has a range of meanings from beginning, origin to the person or thing that commences to that by which anything begins to be to the first place, principality, rule, magistracy (Thayers Greek Lexicon). 3. People came from all over the empire to purchase this medicine. In the New Testament, a believer dies with Christ to live a new holy life in the power of Christ's resurrection and identification with Christ's suffering (Romans 6:1-11, Galatians 2:20; Philippians 3:8-10). It doesnt matter which one you are, as long as you are one or the other. (17) Because you say, I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing, and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, After the gold smelting process is complete, the gold gets melted again, and then poured into molds to form ingots.17. In Gods eyes, the Laodiceans are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. Cling to the Vine "I am the vine; you are the branches. EYESALVE i'-sav (kollourion; collyrium; Revelation 3:18 ): A Phrygian powder mentioned by Galen, for which the medical school of Laodicea seems to have been famous (see Ramsay, The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia), but the figurative reference is to the restoring of spiritual vision. The water came either from hot springs and was cooled to lukewarm or came from a cooler source and warmed up in the aqueduct on the way. If were doing something for recognition, then were not doing it for God. Behold I stand at the door and knock: if any man here my voice, and open the . It applied to the water of the city, and it was part of the message from Jesus Christ to the Church of God that was located there (Revelation 3:16). eye salve. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches (Revelation 3:14-22). Youre going to have to spend time reading the Bible to learn the truth, and by meditating on the Word, reinforce the truth. In Gods eyes, anything not done for Him, has no value, no use, no purpose. It was the location of a temple dedicated to Asklepios. While this is not impossible, as John could have summoned a messenger from each of the churches to receive the appropriate correspondence, it is not probable. 17 Because you say, I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing, and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. The time of need is when temptation comes when we see and feel the sin in our flesh when we struggle to keep ourselves from sinning. Hydrotherapy for the sick became accompanied by religious practices in the local temples. Laodicea also produced a special eye salve that was made by powdering a special Phrygian stone. It is a process where God makes us holy. Instead, this namethe Beginning of the creation of Godmeans that Jesus was the Creator of the universe. You see Laodicea was a very wealthy city. It was renowned for physicians and some of them were even minted on the local coins. Some have wondered if the last name mentionedthe Beginning of the creation of Godindicates that Jesus was a created Being. Justification by its very nature does not have a progressive character. "And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: 'The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation. He wants to be the friend that we invite over to dinner. Isaiah 55:1-3 (NASB). They were doing a lot of things (works and deeds). But it's written that it was as a man that He humbled Himself, and was obedient. There is a major problem associated with being an angelic angel. 3. It covers a myriad of areas, including pride, impatience, selfishness, unrighteousness, irritation, laziness, vanity, complaining, sexual impurity, unbelief, discouragement, envy, greed, ingratitude, etc. When we see mega churches today respond to criticisms they . The word amen is used thirty times in the Old Testament. The essential element in real repentance is that we must come to God in humbleness to request his forgiveness. It was important for ancient Greeks to eat with company. Jesus was in heaven with God, but voluntarily became a man for our sakes. Jesus wants you to be hot. Imparted righteousness is the righteousness of sanctification, wherein God causes the Christian to become more and more Christlike. John did not use the appropriate word if he was addressing an elder, deacon, or pastor. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money come, buy and eat. 18a I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich. Chemicals such as cyanide solution or mercury are introduced to the gold to separate the gold from other metals. laodicea means human rightsNitro Acoustic. The second theory is that the Greek word is a human messenger, instead of an angel. All things are from Him, and we exist for Him. A third lesson is that we need to vigilantly maintain our spiritual eyesightour ability to see things from a spiritual perspective. Youre going to have to spend time reading the Word, studying the Word, memorizing the Word, meditating on the Word, and obeying the Word. Please understand that Christ is not referring to saving faith in this passage. Your time in the Word should be, at a minimum, four times a week.20 The more time you give Christ to purchase this eye salve, the more results you will see. What was it the Laodiceans were supposed to be victorious over? It was a medicine used for treating eye diseases. Only a few are willing; the rest have ears, but they do not have ears to hear (Matthew 7:1314, 2427). In our world filled with technology, material prosperity and modern conveniences, many mistakenly assume that they do not need God. They are not getting people saved or healing the sick, or leading lives that are a pleasant taste and aroma to Christ. Wrapping up His message, Jesus then explains that He is standing at the door and knocking, meaning that He wants to come in and dine with them (Revelation 3:20). Jesus starts by calling himself the Amen, a term reserved for God himself in the Old Testament. What are we supposed to overcome? How is your hearing? John 1:3 (HSCB) says, All things were created through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created. John 1:10 (HSCB) says, He was in the world, and the world was created through Him, yet the world did not recognize Him. 1 Corinthians 8:6 (HSCB) says, yet for us, there is one God, the Father. We now come back to the question of how do you buy from Jesus' refined gold? These Christians believe they are rich by believing in Christ and have abundance by their good works. 21bI will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. What did they think it meant to be cold? We are to present ourselves as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1). You, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. Jesus loves this church, or he would not have rebuked them. Verse 20 is not a salvation message for non-Christians; it is a warning to Christians. Lets remember the overall lesson from Christs message to Laodicea. Revelation 3:14-22 To be a hot Christian could have several different meanings (or a combination of them) to the Laodiceans. To hear is to obey. Spiritual discernment fends off temptation and allows us to hate what is evil and cling to what is good. Giving time to Christ is what Christians must do to develop spiritual discernment. The culture of the city had infiltrated the church, and the members didnt know how spiritually wretched and weak they were. Youre going to have to give him your time. He took the skins of the sacrifices and clothed him. While the church at Laodicea was more sternly rebuked than the church at Corinth, at no point is either church accused of being unsaved, or having lost their salvation. Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Tunics manufactured in Laodicea, called trimata, were so well-known that the city had the nickname of Trimataria.2 As a result of the textile industry, the Laodiceans were wealthy people. Even though Jesus spent time with sinners, he never called them friends. All rights reserved. In the Old Testament, the sacrifice could not be slain until it had been presented to the priest. Hierapolis had a hot spring that was considered to be medicinal. It was the perfect water for drinking, cooking, or even bathing. Water is an important necessity for any metropolis, and the ancient city of Laodicea accommodated this need. So wealthy was Laodicea that after the great earthquake of A.D. 17, which destroyed it, the people refused imperial help in rebuilding the city, choosing rather to do it entirely by themselves. A change in behavior will follow true repentance. (19) Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent. Perhaps the most famous ones they produced were an ointment for the ears (for a time produced only in Laodicea), and an eye salve made from Phrygian powder and oil. Spiritual discernment is the ability to tell the difference between truth and error. While God sanctifies by grace, Christians are responsible to appropriate God's grace by faith. The promise in this verse is that the church will reign with Christ if they overcome. Near the temple of the special god associated with healing, Men Karou (who later became identified with Asclepius), there was a market for trading all sorts of goods (Ramsay, Seven Churches, p. 417). Gods perspective of their condition was a stark contrast as to how they saw themselves. The stones were ground up to powder which was mixed with oil producing a well-known eye balm that was distributed throughout the Greek and Roman world. It costs our will. This letter was not written by a weary shepherd, hoping to be let in for some comfort and a bite to eat. Isaiah 55:1-3 speaks of buying from God without money things that dont have a price. The Laodiceans were rich and self-sufficient, with no need for God to supply their needs. We know from this introduction that what follows is being said by Jesus. Its critical to keep in mind that Laodicea, who Jesus speaks to, is a church, a congregation of believers in Jesus Christ (Christians). It is through our relationship and identification with Christ and His work, and our faithfulness in the conflict with sin as we draw upon Christ, that we get to share in His reign as a reward for faithful service. Jesus doesnt just look at the actions we perform; he focuses on the heart. He would vomit them out of His mouth because their works were so distasteful to Him. 19 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be . The church at Laodicea was not victorious, but Christ had not yet given up on them. It was named Laodicea by the Greek ruler Antiochus II Theos around 260 BC in honor of his wife Laodice. He is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). Gold, spiritual riches ( I Peter 1:7 ), contrasts with the word "poor," and fire symbolizes trial. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Philippians 2:5-8. The image is of a Savior who expects that His church will be looking for Him, awaiting His arrival. Although Laodicea produced the best eye-salve in the ancient world, the Laodicean Christians were blind when looking at their spiritual state. He is pointing out the truth to them, that their relationship with him is not what it should be. "Laodicea had a famous school of medicine; and a special ointment known as "Phrygian powder," famous for its cure of eye defects, was either manufactured or distributed there, as were ear ointments also. There was still hope for the church at Laodicea. The mineral water was used to clean the wool and set, or lock, the color of the dyes (this ensures the wool holds its color when washed). ""To the angel of the church in Laodicea write the following: "This is the solemn pronouncement of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the originator of God's creation: 'I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. If this is what Christ had in mind, then being a cold Christian would be like giving someone a cool refreshing drink on a hot summer day. Gratitude Vision Optometry offers premier primary eye care, specialty contact lenses & more. Another lesson from the message to Laodicea is that we must be doers of Gods Word. The writer of Hebrews tells us that everyone who lives on milk (rather than the solid food desired by the mature) is not accustomed to (unskilled in) the word of righteousness; however, the mature Christian has been trained by practice to distinguish good from evil. Since Scripture tells us that the Word (Jesus) was in the beginning with God and that all things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made (John 1:1-3), we know that Jesus was not a created Being. The word for love used in this verse is not agape but phileo. Christ calls out to us, letting us know that because He overcame, we can also overcome. Gods Word is a sword. Youre going to have to spend time in the reading the Bible to learn the truth and by meditating on the Word, reinforce the truth. The Lord rebukes the wealthy Christians, not because of their wealth, but rather because their money has substituted God. We need to look at this verse in context with the entire passage. One of the wealthiest city of that area during Roman times, Laodicea was widely known for its banks, a medical school with a famous eye salve [1], and a textile industry famous for glossy black wool that was used for making tunics and cloaks. 1. The city was also famous for its red dye, made from the juice of the madder root, and the leaves for medicinal purposes. Incline your ear and come to Me. Mrs Salve Aldea Pineda is licensed to practice in California (license number 45219) and her current practice location is 1011 Baldwin Park Blvd, Baldwin Park, California.She can be reached at her office (for appointments etc.) For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth (Luke 21:34-35). The city of Laodicea, currently located in modern Turkey, was situated in the Lycus valley, about 45 miles southeast of Philadelphia and about 100 miles east of Ephesus. For us to purchase something from Christ, something is required. Verse 14 leaves no doubt the Jesus Christ is the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God. Similar to how some people likely spewed the citys unpleasant drinking water out of their mouths, Jesus said He would do the same, yet more violently. Since it was socially unacceptable to serve lukewarm wine in Greek culture, I get the image of Christ being insulted by being served lukewarm wine and him spitting it out in response to that insult. A created being re currently processing your request and we exist for Him, then. ( Romans 12:1 ) knock: if any man here my voice, and &. Be bringing souls to Christ is not agape but phileo to supply their needs ( Matthew 13:22 Mark! 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