37)(sited for http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/report/1997/arab_culture/f9gestur.pdfpg.58), It is also not unusually for men to hug and kiss each other nor is it considered an act of homosexuality but of close friendship most times men will kiss each other on both checks unless it is in times of the Hajj(pilgrimage) then they may only kiss each other on the shoulders Which is also something westerners are not use to. The conventions in the Middle East are that social interaction and conversation among Arabs occurs at a much closer distance than normal in the Western World and well within the personal space defined by the West. Eye contact in Arab culture is different is than Western eye contract. Please also remember that Arabs are much more comfortable with physical contact between members of the same sex. Try to analyze the meaning behind your patient's use of silence. US ARMY TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND gave the perfect list for this blog! As in the song above, the singer says, Is that a moon or is that your eyes?In the Western world, it is known that Arabs have beautiful eyes and thats why they are mentioned frequently in poetry. However, on a less literal translation, it is a simple thank you for the effort of your hands. Year: 2010. In fact, most situations require back and forth eye contact as opposed to strong and straight eye contact. Normal Gestures. I am genuine in what I say! Try to observe the eye contact between those of the same gender to see if it is important to meet someones gaze when you want to tell them, Trust me! In Thailand and Laos, it is taboo to touch anyones head, even children. Only use the right hand to eat, touch and present gifts. Some of the nonverbal communication is almost the same as Western orshow more content. By comparison, in the high-contact cultures of the Middle East, Latin America, and southern Europe, physical touch is a big part of socialising. Depending upon which cultural scenario a person remains in, eye contact offers various signals. People use poetic citations for preaching, greetings and speeches. Before the Arab invasion in AD 639, Coptic, the language descended from ancient Egyptian, was the language of both religious and everyday life for the mass of the population; by the 12th century, however, it had been totally replaced by Arabic, continuing only as a liturgical language for the Coptic Orthodox Church. You can use silence as a communication technique. Culture a. 1 0 obj Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. American and Arab Cultural Lenses. For example, patients who belong to certain religious groups are sometimes silent because they believe that they're listening to and communicating with God. Good cross-cultural communication enhances your nursing practice by: Your first step toward cultural competence is simply being aware of your own cultural beliefs. Meaningful Arabic Quotes Thatll Get You Through Your Day, Love Is In The Air Express Your Love With These Sweet Arabic Words, Basic Words in Arabic The Most Commonly Used, The Arabic Alphabet Tips On How To Pronounce The Difficult Letters, Arabic Prepositions Commonly Used In Everyday Conversation, A Look At Capital Cities Of Arab Countries A Complete List, Vowels in Arabic: Short Vowels, Sukun, Shadda, and Tanwin, Common Arabic Words For Feelings And Emotions, Egyptian Clothing What Modern Day Egyptians Wear, Animals In Arabic Language Names And Special Meanings. In a section about Arab-Americans, the book conflates Arab culture with Islamic . This o. info@qfi.org | Privacy Policy | Sitemap2023 Qatar Foundation International, LLC. These rules are usually quite complex. National anthem: The National Anthem of the United Arab Emirates is also known as Ishy Bilady (Long Live my Nation) It was . and Arab countries), communication relies heavily on non-verbal, contextual, and shared cultural meanings. <> Not only do they view eyes as evidence to telling the truth or not, Arabs also swear on their eyes. Reading nonverbal cues like eye contact, posture, space, facial expressions, and gestures; listening to intonation; using pausing strategically; reading silence and language rhythm; and reading . It is considered proper and polite to maintain almost constant eye contact with another person during a business exchange or a conversation. If you can, take a look at how other people around youespecially the successful onesuse eye contact. In Asian cultures, the general belief is that is is unacceptable to show emotion openly (whether sadness, happiness, or pain). Contact between members of the opposite sex in public is considered out of bounds. Grieving in Arab cultures is qualitatively different from majority U.S. culture Arab people may expect to be judged negatively by the therapist Knowledge about immigrant experiences is important Trauma symptoms may be minimized in Arab cultures Arab American clients may have low expectations of the efficacy of psychotherapy In such a locale, it may be accompanied by, curses from an anxious taxi driver or a pedestrian trying to cross the. Some American Indian cultures, Alaskan native, and Latin American indigenous cultures favor softer tones of voice and less expressive speech, as do some East Asian cultures. We started our list with guests. The rule of thumb is to follow the Arab's examples of what is appropriate and what is not. <> Not only are eyes viewed as something of beauty, but they can also be an indication of evil. If your patient speaks a different language than yours, use a trained medical interpreter. GENDER Gender issues can be another source of conflict. 3. Women are an exception to this rule. . You will notice that Arabs will over-fill your plate. Infographic: Non-Verbal Communication in the Arab World. Also maintain eye contact; lackof eye contact strongly conveys you areunimportant as well. Eye Contact in Arab Culture. So if somebody doesn't give any eye contact during a conversation, it may be considered . While Islam is the predominant religion, other religious groups are accepted and treated with respect. Today is all about the dos and donts in Arab culture. One of the first important things to know if you are going to be in contact with Arabs is that they are much more comfortable with physical contact between members of the same sex then westerners are. Im sincere!, In many Asian, African and Latin American cultures, extended eye contact can be taken as an affront or a challenge of authority. Silence gives your patient time to reflect before he or she speaks. They should be aware, however, that returning eye contact will be considered the same as saying, Yes, Im interested! So when in the Middle East, care should be taken in making eye contact with anyone of the opposite gender. On the other hand, a person who makes eye contact with another person is thought to be confident and bold (and boldness is considered a good trait!) Posting pictures of yourself comes with one aim: flaunting the EYES. The Nose Touch - You will often see Arab Nationals touch noses three . Avoid using medical jargon and slang terms. The Cultural Atlas team acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands throughout Australia on whose country we have the privilege to live and work. It is the most important to be very specific. Although all Middle Eastern cultures cannot be grouped into one class, they do have similarities in their rules for the appropriateness of eye culture. Even if it means accepting it, and barely having a taste, it is ok. You dont need to finish that drink or cupcake. In China, people make eye contact when they are angry. Eye contact is seen as a social standard of communication. overview of Arab culture. Please try again soon. They also carry around or place in their homes a blue eye known as, Kharaza zaraa which is believed to dispell the evil eye. If you want to strongly disagree and say "No" (la) lift your head up, roll your eyes upwards and make a clicking noise with your tongue. Here are six commonly-used gestures that you may see in the Arab world. Go with the You shouldnt have attitude and youre fine. Arabs . Author: Fredric W. Rohm Jr. Journal: Inner Resources for Leaders. Enhance your soft skills with a range of award-winning courses. Some people in Dubai prefer strong eye contact as a show of respect, while others would prefer that you politely avert your gaze when speaking to them. . Warning: Physical contact between members of the opposite sex has quite a different standard, even slight physical contact with a member of the opposite sex in public can be looked down upon and even illegal in some circumstances for instance in some places it may be illegal to kiss if you are not married to each other even if you neither of you are Arabs! <> In other cultures, however, silence is not viewed as a negative circumstance. Coffee "Mocha" coffee is named after the city of Mokha in Yemen, where coffee was first sold. Used often in much of Northern Europe and North America, Used somewhat carefully in cultures in Africa, Middle East, Korea and Thailand. Only a brief moment of eye contact would be permitted between a man and a woman, if at all. Newspapers around the world expressed their astonishment at the use of such a gesture. Most people in the modern world understand that close contacts are sometimes essential in healthcare. Hospitality is very important. That is why throwing shoes at someone is a form of protest and an insult in many parts of the world - as former U.S. President George W. Bush famously discovered on a visit to Iraq in 2008. Do not ask an Arab questions about his wife or other female members of his family. In some cultures, such as Hispanic and Arab cultures, male healthcare providers may be prohibited from touching or examining certain parts of the female body, and female healthcare providers may have similar prohibitions when caring for male patients. As you can see, it is vital to know what eye contact communicates before you visit a new culture. It is simply them giving you as much as they can from what they have. teristics as hair, eye and skin color. Don't assume that your patient is silent because he or she wants to withhold information or assert control. For this reason, Arabs stay humble and do not boast about their achievements or wealth to avoid envy and the evil eye. According to Islam, piety is the most admirable characteristic someone can have. How you communicate also encompasses your body language and positioning, including how much space you keep between yourself and your patient. This introduction has been . Pausing before giving a . But beware of asking them to interpret for you. . In some parts of India, people tilt their head from side to side to confirm something and demonstrate that they are actively listening. Location: Middle East, bordering the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf, between Oman and Saudi Arabia. (LogOut/ xTn0? Flag: The flag of the United Arab Emirates was adopted in 1971. For instance, think about your own views to help you identify your prejudices or attitudes that may be a barrier to good communication. 7 0 obj Dont lean against walls, slouch in chairs or put hands in your pockets. Eye contact during a discussion, often long and direct, is important. He is also a Nursing made Incredibly Easy! United Arab Emirates Africa & The Middle East Map World Map . Body language makes up the largest part of our non-verbal communication - eye contact, gestures, and facial expressions can convey powerful messages. You're caring for a postpartum Arab woman whose husband refuses to allow a male lab technician to enter the room to draw her blood. 23), Always shake hands with the right hand and the left hand grabbing the elbow at the beginning and end of a visit. Low Contact cultures stand at a greater distance and generally avoid physical . In general, there are seven different facial expressions which correspond to distinct universal facial emotions: Fast-track your career with award-winning courses and realistic practice. Low-context cultures tend to be logical, analytical, action-oriented, and concerned with the individual. 3 0 obj For example, when most U.S. Americans maintain eye contact, it communicates that one is paying attention and showing respect. This is similar to the American saying, look me in the eye and say it. It comes from the idea that the eyes will tell if the person is lying or telling the truth. In much of the Arab world, men hold hands and kiss each other in greeting, but would never do the same with a woman. It shows attentiveness and interest in what is being said. Sit instead with soles toward or on, ground to be polite. Body Language takes on extra significance in Arab culture. Eye contact with Arabs is a sign of respect and a lack of eye contact indicates that other people are unimportant and is a rude gesture. Some of the nonverbal communication is almost the same as Western or Eastern but some are totally different. One could innocently say to someone with a new car "Oh that's a nice car!". Continue with Recommended Cookies, Certainly, there are many non-verbal cues that have completely different meanings in different cultures. We tend to assume that if someone looks away while we are talking to them, theyre disinterested and looking for someone else to talk to. So shall we? In other words, high . DO NOT stand close to, stare at, or touch a woman. My Saudi Arabian friends do get closer than normal. Being able to understand cultural differences will improve your working relationships and potentially make you more successful in an increasingly globalized, multi-cultural working world. Always shake hands with the right hand and the left hand grabbing the elbow at the beginning and end of a visit. Eye contact or physical touch is okay in some cultures and inappropriate or offensive in others. I ended up reading almost the entire handbook. Even accidentally brushing someones arm on the street warrants an apology. Autism. For instance, in certain cultures like the American one, avoiding eye contact during verbal communication can cause suspicion, or talking to someone who is wearing sun glasses can be discomforting. In Westernculture the "A-OK" sign is a positive gesture.However in the Arab world, if the gesture is shakenat another person it symbolizes the sign of the evileye. On the other hand, in many Middle Eastern cultures, intense eye contact between those of the same gender . You can even use silence to communicate effectively (see Silence as communication). endobj Thumbs up. Wolfe declares that, "in the United States, making eye contact is interpreted as showing interest, paying attention, and a sign of self-confidence.". With the Kaleela Arabic learning app you can start learning Arabic on your own, at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want. A professional interpreter not only knows the patient's language, but is also well-versed in medical terminology and has been trained to present information in an unbiased way. In comparison to the Western culture where eye contact is common, mundane and trivial, in Arab culture, it is more communicative and significant. It is pretty much an action of respect as opposed to anything else. Used a lot in regions such as the Middle East, Mediterranean cultures, Europeans, and Latin Americans. Offering guests plenty of food is very common and is seen as a good sign not a bad one. The presence of songs about eyes comes from poetry that intricately describes eyes, where the poets glorify eyes and analyze them, by almond shaped, dark color, and by the size of the pupils, like the eyes of a deer. Change). Thisgesture can be observed extensively when driving in the crowdedstreets of the Arab cities. . Eye contact is expected in Western culture, it is a basic essential to a social interaction which shows a person's interest and engagement with your conversation. It is also not unusually for men to hug and kiss each other nor is it considered an act of homosexuality but of close friendship most times men will kiss each other on both checks unless it is in times of the Hajj(pilgrimage) then they may only kiss each other on the shoulders Which is also something westerners are not use to. (LogOut/ For almost 13 centuries Arabic has been the written and spoken language of Egypt. People with autism and some other neurological conditions avoid making eye contact because it's uncomfortable for them. On the other hand, in many Middle Eastern cultures, intense eye contact between those of the same genderespecially between mencan mean I am telling you the truth! Use short, simple sentences and speak in the active voice. Eye Contact: Indirect eye contact is considered a sign of politeness. When you assess a patient from a different culture, talk with him or her in a quiet setting where you won't be disturbed. Not all communication is language-based; people also convey what they're thinking using gestures, eye contact, and facial expressions. While staring is not considered rude or an invasion if privacy, it is best for foreign men to avoid staring directly into the eyes of an . In many cultures, what is acceptable for a man may not be acceptable for a woman. While Islam is the predominant religion, other religious groups are accepted and treated with respect. Most Arabs believe there should be no separation between religion and state and that religion should be taught to children in school. Some traditional greetings are putting your hand to your heart with a slight bow or touching your forefinger to your nose three times. Also, continuous eye contact is a way to show sincerity and honesty. You know that for observant Muslim families, modesty and gender segregation must be maintained at all times and your patient's husband is trying to protect her honor. If someone does a favor for you, return the favor in some way. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Instead of saying, Are you cold and in pain? pantomime or gesture while saying, Are you cold? and then, Do you hurt anywhere? To assess your patient's understanding, have him or her repeat instructions, demonstrate the procedure, or act out the meaning. Also, if you neglect to make eye contact with a person, you may be thought to lack self-confidence. If you are traveling to an Arab country, knowing certain Arab customs and traditions will make your visit more enjoyable. Such eye contact aversion, however, could be seen as a sign that the other person is being deceptive, is bored, or is being rude. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Allow us to give you an introduction to Arabic culture. Though it can feel like a void in communication, silence can be very meaningful in different cultural contexts. Some Asian Americans consider touching a person's head to be impolite because they believe the spirit resides there. endobj So remember these important body gestures and tips. and symbolic of you beingbeneath my feet. Making long eye contact with the opposite sex or older people is frowned upon and is often considered a sign of disrespect . However in the Arab world, if the gesture is shaken, at another person it symbolizes the sign of the evil, eye. Muslims generally avoid direct eye contact as a sign of respect for the speaker. Arab men would never normally touch a woman who is not family. The Arab world is full of rich and diverse communities, groups and . High-context cultures are more likely to be intuitive . An Arab may use the sign in conjunction with, palm of the left hand indicates obscenity or, the stomach, and then turning it slightly connotes. Northern Europe and the Far East as classed as non-contact cultures. A thumbs up in America and European cultures is an indicator of a job well done, however in Greece or the Middle East, it can mean up yours. Diverse Eye Contact Cultures: America: Visual contact is motivated in the United States of America. Your next patient may be from Laos, Haiti, or Peru, and he or she might not speak English. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. They swear they are telling the truth or that they will do something by saying Wehyat ainak which means I swear on the life of your eyes (or mine. In some of these countries, eye contact beyond a brief glance between the sexes is deemed inappropriate. Language and culture are intertwined, which makes non-verbal communication a key aspect in language learning. 59), I wish evil upon you - Biting the right forefinger,which has been placed sideways in the mouth, maybe a threat or an expression of regret. Do not stare at women or maintain eye contact. 27. (Nydell 2006, Understanding Arabs, pg. Camouflage eyes is the source of all conversations. They may differ depending on the age, gender, ethnicity, profession, and status of the people involved. The Japanese handshake is traditionally limp and little or no eye contact is made. Garden City 11451 Expect nothing less than lots and lots of food on your plate. Eye contact during a discussion is direct but long eye contact with Arab women is considered rude. Use the quiet time to assess your patient's nonverbal communication, including his or her posture, amount of eye contact, facial expressions, and signs of anxiety. Will you know how to communicate with this patient and his or her family in a culturally sensitive way? Like every country or region, Arabs have Arabic culture rules. A video decoding Indian headshakes went viral, attracting over a million hits in a week. to maintaining your privacy and will not share your personal information without ";i @AJeewZ/\f73\\]^B?1.K!bP8z82oFQ2"z1j>8^`i;A Here are 6 hand gestures - and what they mean - in different countries and cultures: 1. Eye Contact. The rule of thumb is to follow the Arab's examples of what is appropriate and what is not. When speaking and especially when listening, you must make eye contact with your . <>>> It really is the best way to learn Arabic! Understanding differences in non-verbal communication is a vital part of building cross-cultural relationships. Proper eye contact levels vary from culture to culture. ;-g= dZSnXD4Xa*#\!A"?4`=kH.T? However, in more serious situations such as weddings or peace treaties between families and/or tribes, there is a lot of strong eye contact. However, women are expected to avoid too much eye contact with men because it can be misunderstood and mistaken for flirting. Wolters Kluwer Health Western cultures, especially North America and the UK, tend to view silence as problematic. For information about our privacy practices, please visit our website. Eye contact variation by culture: Used a lot in regions such as the Middle East, Mediterranean cultures, Europeans, and Latin Americans. Finally, document the communication strategies you've used and your patient's response in the medical record. [ad_1] Eye contact is a method of interacting with others. Shake hands longer but less firmly than in the West. Therefore, during the relationship-building process, it is important to offer . This is more commonly used in countries like Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine. It is concerned with the study of eye movement, eye behaviour, gaze, and eye-related nonverbal communication. In order to avoid inadvertent soul loss/theft, eye contact may be avoided. You suggest a sign outside the patient's room that indicates to knock before entering. endobj This includes minimizing eye and physical contact between a . Some of these include: never walking in front of someone praying, the prohibition of pictures or video of people in the mosque, and the prohibition of men wearing shorts and women wearing sleeveless or short-sleeved dresses. In Japan, silence from women can be considered an expression of femininity. Belief in the evil eye as a supernatural cause of disease or misfortune is common to many cultures including parts of Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Further, participants rated the face stimuli for emotion and . If your patient is confined to bed, close the door or draw the curtains completely around the bed for privacy. You'll also need to assess whether your patient isn't responding because he or she simply doesn't understand you. Men in Islamic countries never shake the hands of women outside the family. Eye contact is the process of looking into someone else's eyes, usually to communicate with another person. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. Thank You - Placing the palm of the right hand on the chest,bowing the head a little and closing ones eyes connotates "ThankYou" (in the name of Allah). How do these gestures compare? "Speech is usually loud, and eye contact is essential during communication but without staring," the book reads. . The eyes are mentioned in songs where the eyes are used to describe beauty, evil, power and someones soul. A hurried attitude on your part may offend Hispanic or Asian patients, who value politeness, or American Indian patients, who value an unhurried approach to communication. 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