I dont need to ask him every night, Did you get in trouble in school today? Most people would say if I had asked him that question and he said no that would be a lie. The collective mind works in a completely parallel way to the individual mind. WebLifestyle Politics. And I started to pull him. BILL MOYERS: When was the moment you turned around? Webuva scott stadium parking. A magician, by his costume and manner, notifies you theyre going to trick you. Wed like people to be truthful. Using first person testimonials, the documentary shows a wide range of lying folks who were caught and forced to face the consequences. Have the lies become so many that the public mind has been saturated and numbed by them? . Based mostly on the research of Dr. Dan Ariely, Professor of Psychology and But once youve engaged in that lie the next time you wont consider it at all. Who can we take money from? ROGER BOISJOLY: NASA tried very diligently to make it sound like an accident. And you I would stand to lose more later on by lying to my child now. I know he believed the vital lie he had inherited, that the security of South Vietnam was critical to [he security of the United States. Reality is fearsome, but as weve learned in this series, experience tells us more fearsome yet is evading it. STAN REINARTZ, NASA: For better or worse, I did not perceive any clear requirement for interaction with Level II. And is better spent a ROGER BOISJOLY: I cant characterize it as an accident at all. Its just like roaches. A family, an alcoholic family, for instance, doesnt want to face the painful truth, so it looks away at the key facts and it will inflate things that make the people feel, Well, were really a happy, normal family here.. This plan was discussed by the best and the brightest in the Kennedy years. ROGER BOISJOLY: About 60 seconds later into the launch my colleague sitting behind me, Bob Emily whispered in my ear that hed just completed a prayer of thanks to the Lord for a successful launch. People want to emulate him. I was jetting around, trying to save the world, and where was my daughter? They will be launched like a rocket and land like an airplane. And to this number, of course, must be added the number captured. Nobody cheated after writing them down. Liftoff of the 25th Space Shuttle mission, and it has cleared the tower. Not knowing exactly what he would do in Vietnam, he kept shifting his goals while signal1ing that he might do anything. BILL MOYERS: Failure to look at the fearsome truth and the unwillingness to acknowledge the facts have been costly to our country. We just didnt do that. People lie for various reasons, such as to avoid punishment, to gain advantage, or to protect someone's feelings. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] Even at the end after the tangled web untangled, when the last comer was turned to reveal a dead end, even at the end the lie remained to Lyndon Johnson vital. And Tony Fauci and many others in the US government knew that she wasn't lying. In fact, r made the statement, We just dodged a bullet.. George Bush, the present president, was the Republican National Chairman at the time of Watergate and defended Richard Nixon right up until the end. BILL MOYERS: But why wont we look at them collectively? Can you imagine how much information they would have found out if we had done that? Remember when Dwight Eisenhower made his wonderful speech about the dangers of the military industrial complex? WebThe Truth About Pathological Lying. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] Families can confront their vital lies. You want to estimate the number of students in your school who play a musical instrument. No. He would had stayed behind Nixon all the way, and we would never have really found the true story. It wasnt that it was lying was the problem, it was who it was lying to and why. ROGER BOISJOLY: I didnt have to make a decision, but I felt the pressure. [interviewing] What did you think when you first heard about the Watergate break-in? WebTranscript Enlarge this image In a $1.6 billion defamation suit, Dominion Voting Systems argues that Fox Corp. bosses Rupert Murdoch (left) and Lachlan Murdoch (right) were It was for an overriding good. Harsh Truth #1: Toddlers Cant Lie A two-year-old might say they didnt eat (Dis)Honesty The Truth About Lies From seemingly small white lies to full-blown criminal confabulations, lying permeates human behavior. Now, on the other side of the card theres three spots. Or have we actually become addicted to deception? BILL MOYERS: Daniel Shorr put on CBS a report, anonymous report, that you were afraid of going to jail for fear of being homosexually raped. DAN GOLEMAN: For the exact same reasons theyre too anxiety provoking. amir johnson shooting; lasalle hotel seattle. GIRL: Of course I was always taught by my parents that lying was wrong. amir johnson shooting; lasalle hotel seattle. Detecting and Decoding Lies Learning to detect behaviors associated with lying and dishonesty can help teachers remedy these situations before they escalate. Its going to be a lonely role. That night the temperature was below freezing. . (Dis)Honesty The Truth About Lies From seemingly small white lies to full-blown criminal confabulations, lying permeates human behavior. Candace? Now psychologists tell us that lies at home and lies in the Oval Office have some things in common. And the mom comes out, and she says, John, why are you out in the street? And he says, Oh, those girls pushed me. And we said that we didnt. MAGICIAN: Heres a card with some spots on it. DAN GOLEMAN: Most stunning example is the invasion of the Bay of Pigs, because Kennedy and his top security advisors met daily for close to two or three months before to plan the Bay of Pigs invasion. Sometimes you can never reestablish it. BILL MOYERS: You describe very vividly this group think at work in the Bay of Pigs episode, 1962. I consider myself captured by the enemy.. Its all I knew. WebThis page is a transcript for "Lies". The company was the only supplier of booster rockets and NASA was its biggest customer. February 25, 2023 Truth Mr. Murdoch, Father of Fox News and Father of Lies may be a GOAT Greatest of All Timein his chosen profession of reducing journalism to lies for the single purpose of appealing to the resentments and racism, hurt and lie-mongering of citizens in order to make profits. I havent been elected to anything, Im a staff man. Ill tell everybody how to do this trick. He asks a local youngster if the marsh has a hard bottom and is told that it does. And can a nation die of too many lies? "Some lying is socially useful, but we do it too much in an undiscriminating way. Harsh Truth #1: Toddlers Cant Lie A two-year-old might say they didnt eat If my son, whos almost 17, were to get into a lot of trouble in school, and the principal were to call him in and said, You know, if you insult your teacher again youre out of school. And he comes home and over dinner, were chatting and he says nothing about it, hes lying to me. On Wednesday, The Washington Post revealed that former Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich hid evidence debunking claims of election fraud. In this broadcast well look at how deception has influenced some of the major events of our recent past, and how self-deception shapes our personal lives and the public mind. Husband with wife, parents with kids. He was convinced that the booster design contained a major flaw. I dont think that they always mean to lie, but they are politically expedient animals, and they do it. Why? And the United States is sliding into an inferior status in the global economy. 28. By that I mean that we tend to lie more often once we get started. DAN GOLEMAN: A vital lie is a story that we concoct to protect ourselves from a painful truth, essentially. What's more, we tend to rationalize our lies. "When we don't admit to our shortcomings, it prevents our learning and self-improvement." And if this IS the way it is, fine.. The top people. WebDishonesty Responsibility: Bond/360, CNBC and The (Dis)honesty Project present a CNBC, Fourth & Twenty8 Films and Salty Features production ; a film by Yael Melamede ; written by Chad Beck, Yael Melamede ; produced by Dan Ariely, Deborah Camiel, Yael Melamede, Mitch Weitzner ; directed by Yael Melamede. Yet our public mind is filled with images of an America where the vending machines are always full, the wounded always recover and the bills never come due. Philosophers for centuries have argued about, is there ever a condition under which its proper, its moral to lie. WebLifestyle Politics. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] After the hearings Boisjoly and fellow engineer Arnie Thompson were reassigned. 27. PAUL EKMAN: What technique you use, whether I mislead you by concealing information, or I mislead you by giving you false information, is just a matter of tactics. And they all got together once and discovered that that was a big lie. The documentary shows an experiment created by Ariely in which a group of test subjects, having justified their cheating under the guise of having done so for charity, passed a lie detector test due to their bodies not having registered any emotional uneasiness in connection with their lies. [crosstalk]. But given two options he always chose the one that if it failed, eventually brought more escalation. And so he consciously chose to deceive the American public on what it would take to achieve our goals in Vietnam. CNBC Councils. Use special products to multiply each of the following. It you know, a lie needs both someone who speaks it and someone whos willing to believe it. Youre not even aware that youre lying. Abraham Lincoln . Dr. DAN GOLEMAN: The fear is that if I speak the truth, a] everyone will hate me, I wont be loved anymore; and b] the familys going to dissolve and shatter our reality, our shared reality. For example, Arielyencourages us to be accountable and honest instead of blaming the subway or traffic when we are late. In fact, they knew the truth about where COVID came from long before the rest of us had even heard the term "COVID." Nobody knows how to reestablish trust. LARRY BERMAN Everyone says, Wow, were lucky hes not doing that. DAN GOLEMAN: Self-deception is motivated by self-protection. I've become fanatic about it. In addition to that, within our own staff under my direction, Counsel to the President Mr. Dean has conducted a complete investigation and I can say categorically that his investigation indicates that no one in the White House staff, no one . Posted by: Barnacle Bill the sailor at February 28, 2023 06:05 PM (vcOmj) You survey the first 15 students who arrive at a band class. Almost everyone else in the film does. On a lighter note, he says that he has made a pact with himself always to tell people when they have spinach caught in their teeth. ROBERT HOTZ: NASA doesnt like to admit it was wrong, and they tried as long and as hard as possible to stick with that erroneous accident. Find out more on Wikipedia . LYNDON B. JOHNSON: After this past week of deliberations, I have concluded that it is not essential to order reserve units into service now. In the 1960s NASA was responsible for one of the great achievements of human history. I knew I wasnt in a position to stop anything. Truth. Its easier on your memory, and you can always claim you were going to tell the person later, so youve got a way out. It didnt feel like a lie, because I believed it, it was part of me. WebTRANSCRIPT. He said, John, this is something you shouldnt have anything to do with. And I didnt. However, if a person lies excessively and causes significant problems in their personal or professional lives, they may require professional help. Probably represents, I would say, 50 percent. LAWRENCE MULLOY, NASA: That local ambient temperature will be in a tank condition it will be below the general ambient, because of the effects of the cryogens in the external tank, and the heat short that exists through the attachments to the SRV and the wind blowing the cold air around the SRV. Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode. He fooled everyone for a while, because he had fooled himself. In that room, people knew things such as the invading force was outnumbered 140 to 1, that a CIA secret survey in Cuba had shown that the Cuban people would not rise up to support the invading force, which was the operative premise of the whole operation. On this side theres six. And Ill never forget his reaction to me. Soon their opposition was Un-American, inspired by the Kremlin. This, too, was self-deception. I ts not red or blueit is green.. And then the stakes switch, because then the group they want to join is the outsiders, not the insiders. It gets dangerous when it endures over a long period of time. Hes only sending 50,000 over. 44 West 4th Street KMC7-150 OLIVER NORTH, former National Security Council Aide: [Iran-Contra investigation] I want you to know that lying does not come easy to me. One is as its about to unravel and theyre going to be found out anyway. PAUL EKMAN: Young children can be very harsh critics about lying. Explain. And those who say there is give the example of the man who comes bursting into your house and says, Im going to kill your brother. To undermine his critics, hold the great American middle, and shore up his own sagging morale, Lyndon Johnson fell deeper and deeper into wishful thinking. Where is he? And hes actually in the next room. In an age of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. Almost everyone else in the film does. ROBERT HOTZ: They invent acronyms for everything. Im Bill Moyers. Follow this author to stay notified about their latest stories. The founders of our republic knew this and gave us the First Amendment so America would be safe for second opinions that challenge official lies. BOY: I found out that my fathers lied to me. My colleagues and I have been examining the reasons why trusted people in public life lie to us and to themselves, and why America seems to take such deception for granted. In addition to speaking at the festival, he brought along the Truth Box. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] It cost a generation their idealism. BILL MOYERS: Personally. If youre not with us, youre against us. From the Oval Office he plotted how to destroy his enemies. Huck lies about having family on the wreck in clear danger. So regardless of what he asks me, I will tell him the truth. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] NASA denied that cold weather caused the disaster until Nobel Prize-winning Physicist Richard Feynman performed a simple experiment. The collective mind has its own blind spots. They lied to me. As we become more self-aware, we learn to spot our lies before we repeat them or they spiral out of control. After having signed honor codes before taking tests, students did not cheat. We bring together scientific research, clips from (Dis)Honesty The Truth About Lies, and industry-specific content to create one-of-a-kind ethics presentations and series For years the O rings that act as seals between booster segments were eroding in cold weather. He allowed leaks to come from the White House, the Defense Department, which led Americans to believe that he was considering mobilizing the reserves, moving to a war setting, perhaps moving to a war economy, taking some major actions which would raise Vietnam to the specter of, quote, a war. And so the headlines of the New York Times, The Washington Post were very foreboding in July, as the President consulted with his advisors. JOHN DEAN: I was at that meeting. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] It cost the lives of millions of Vietnamese. DAN GOLEMAN: In therapy, the courage to finally speak the truth is a struggle to acknowledge reality. The same with any collective. It cost the entire nation a measure of confidence and prestige. In the documentary, a man recounts a story about having comforted a terrified woman on a turbulent flight when he lied and told her that he was an aeronautics engineer. WebThe No. japanese mythology quiz; spanish slang for girl The shared reality that we create in that public mind is as susceptible to self-deception as we are individually. ROGER BOISJOLY: : So when it ignited and cleared the launch tower, I thought we were home free. Web(Dis)Honesty:The Truth About Lies By Stephen Holden May 21, 2015 There are little white lies that seemingly hurt no one and whoppers that wreak social and economic havoc. Well, when he did that, he removed from NASA management all the technical-ese that they were trying to, you know, skirt around and confuse the public and the press with. As we become more self-aware, we learn to spot our lies before we repeat them or they spiral out of control. I want you to know that it doesnt come easy to anybody, but I think we all had to weigh in the balance the difference between lives and lies. We lie, socially, way too much," says Ariely. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] The third-ranking member of NASAs launch chain of command participated in the conference call and heard the warnings. Mr. Murdoch, Father of Fox News and Father of Lies may be a GOAT Greatest of All Timein his chosen profession of reducing journalism to lies for the single purpose of appealing to the resentments and racism, hurt and lie-mongering of citizens in order to make profits. And the number captured in the last four weeks has been very high indeed. This was your president. Very dangerous. And then its very hard to reestablish it. Its sort of the sum total of the things we wont look at. BILL MOYERS: But soon we would be spending more for Vietnam than for the entire welfare program. BILL MOYERS: After the Watergate break-in, did anybody in the White House consider telling the truth? It wasnt like a lie. ARNIE THOMPSON: And on my recommendation in some of the former meetings were just merely to wait a day. JOHN DEAN, Presidential Counsel: [Senate Watergate Hearings, 1973] Some of these people Ill be referring to are friends. Web (Dis)Honesty: The Truth About Lies is a documentary that explores the science of dishonest human behaviour. February 25, 2023. I do it in terms of conflicts of interest. Nobody has the formula for how you reestablish trust. WOMAN: It as a lie that I believed about myself to myself inside myself. Weve paid that cost in human life and mutual trust. A person who lies to someone is not considered to be a mental illness simply because he or she is a symptom of other mental health disorders. LARRY BERMAN Johnson clearly above all else wanted to change the face of the American society. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] After the explosion, what had been self-deception turned into something else, a refusal to admit what really happened. It overheated the economy, and it led LBJ, like Nixon after him, to turn on his own people. Its a lie we need in order to live. "Once you understand, you try to cut down ambiguous aspects of life. We expect, just like many families expect, no matter what goes on, keep it within the family. Decisive moments in our recent past, unforgettable moments, reveal those pressures that drive people to deny the truth and distort reality. NARRATOR: The reusable space shuttle vehicles are designed to fly up to 60 missions a year. His passion was to preserve his vision of the Great Society. BILL MOYERS: Such as your fathers alcoholism, your mothers stupor? DAN GOLEMAN: It says that the force, the pressure to go along, to shut up, not to notice and not to bring it up is incredibly strong even and perhaps especially at the highest levels. ROGER BOISJOLY: Yeah, I was deathly afraid that we were going to experience a catastrophe, and that everybody was just going to brush this whole thing aside and no one would be accountable, because everybody said, Well, we didnt know it was that serious. Well, I erased that condition by writing a very pointed memo and predicting that we were going to have loss of human life or catastrophe if we continued to do nothing about it. No matter what goes on at the job, keep it within the job. Determine whether the sample is biased or unbiased. He convinces some men to go check it out. And to not accommodate a major customer like NASA may have put that type of situation in jeopardy. MAN: The fellow claimed he had $8 million in sales and he had two. I served Lyndon Johnson when he came to power. I wouldnt do that today. And that was a decision to launch. Now, I believe thats that view is widely shared, and I actually believe in it also. 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