I was only detained and released less than 6 hours. a juvenile detention, that would not be considered an adult criminal conviction. TIA! I was approved for Global Entry in October 2015 after the incident referred to below occurred (May 2013). I went to the interview was not asked any specific questions but was denied after that meeting. I went through customs and was near the exit when a beagle made the mad dash. Not sure how to go about this as it seems like the second you request a review they always respond matter stands. About 8 months after this happened, my GE was revoked. Hello, I was convicted for a felony roughly 15 years ago. Hi there, when I was 14 years old back in 2004 Im 32 now.I was being bullied and fought back they ended up taking me to Juvi and took my finger prints, I was there for about 30 minutes then my mom picked me up. Waiting for the application to be processed. Reasons for Ineligibility You may not be eligible for participation in the SENTRI program if you: IN the interview he mentioned how he had an incident 10 years ago with a MIP for drinking alcohol in public. If you want to apply for reinstatement, you would do that on your TTP profile. But, if you plead to something, you likely had a criminal violation, regardless of whether or not you expunged the incident later. Juvenile incidents are largely private matters. You should get a copy of their purging policies (ie. Any tips? Consider declaring all arrests, regardless of any expungement. Would they deny me based off of that alone? I was arrested for sleeping in the car intoxicated, which was a DWI at first but then went down to a misdemeanor DWAI. he pleaded guilty , took the course and got it expunged from his record. I had a misdemeanor for shoplifting a dvd right when I turned 18, this was back in December of 2008. The conviction is still a part of the court's public records, which will also show the case was dismissed. What is Global Entry and how do I get it? In your case, you might be able to apply successfully once it has been a full ten years without any other negative factors. Learn more: TSA PreCheck or Global Entry credit cards what you need to know. Thank you for any insight you can provide. I live in Nogales AZ but work in Nogales Sonora. File number triggers your data which is brought up on the CBP Officer's screen. Log in and complete a SENTRI application. I had global entry for about 3 years and suddenly I got a notice that it had been revoked. Thanks! Told the adgent, not something I did very often and could not remember the last time I did, my words, were not in a blue moon. The case was eventually dismissed and expunged from my record. I used to cross the border every day to see my mom at Tijuana, she was sick at the time. I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition, minutes, or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. CBP can and does deny due to old convictions, no matter how old. Then, out of the blue, my membership was revoked in July, 2020. I read most of these comments so Im guessing my case is also a no, but I had to ask anyways. They put me in Secondary and read me the riot act telling me that if I go through Sentri again with my automatic rear doors unable to open, they would take my Sentri away. Thoughts? (my appeal was declined). It is a conviction so they may deny it. How long a wait is anyones guess. SENTRI vs. No information has been provided as to why. They did not charge her as she also says her car was pretty clean from her vacuuming all the time and she said they tested twice and the second time was when it tested positive but to her it just looked like lent. If you don't travel by car to Mexico or Canada frequently but often travel internationally, Global Entry may be a better option for your travel needs. While it has been 27 years since the conviction and Ive been lawful ever since Im curious if you have seen the CBP deny based on the type of one conviction regardless of how long ago it occurred. I dont want to wait the 10 years they say. Ten years might be long enough for CBP, but the only way to know is to apply and, of course, declare the incident. I was never convicted from what I can remember but how can I get a complete dossier of everything to go through? So when I apply for Global Entry, do I say yes or no to arrests, conviction, etc? Since than I have gotten approved for a gun license after thier background check and got accepted into career positions after background checks with no issues. You would need a separate. It costs more but includes . If I have a misdemeanor charge (DUI ~ 7 years ago) non disclosed/Sealed will this be able to qualify me for global entry program? Any thoughts as to my chances of approval? I am currently out of the country and returning on Saturday. Benefits for Sentri Members Do you know if they allow Payment Plans? Do you think its worth trying to get global entry? I can help you reduce this fine, Leonardo. Click on the "SENTRI" tab. They put me under driver, I applied in 2015 for the sentri and the denied it. CBP has always taken a strong position against cannabis and its industry. Declare any violation. I was not charged with anything but was held for hours, and then led back to an airplane to my home airport. CBP will look at the facts and circumstances. But, if you plead to something, you likely had a criminal violation, regardless of whether or not you expunged the incident later. I have heard of people being rejected or revoked on this basis. He works for the federal government, so we assumed hed be okay. I have sentri since 2017 its due on 2022 but I just got a DUI. I have GE since 2017. I am super confused in 2007 I was convicted of identity theft got probation and since then not even a parking ticket. Could this impact global entry? I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. Never went to jail. The DA declined to bring any charges and I never received a charge and never went to court. If yes please describe. section? If you had DACA, you were presumably out of status at one point. Hello, I was charged with burglary and then the court dropped it to a misdemeanor and expunged it off my record 11 years ago. Surprisingly the US Attorney confirmed everything I submitted and even though the conviction was over 30 years, she was calculating the time starting from the end of parole, which was over 20 years. They did state that all misdemeanor cases that received a monetary fine were reported to the California DOJ. Im not sure if I need to notify them now or just push it through next renewal. Hi, my sentri card was revoked while the process to renewal it. We have been crossing the border nearly every day for 15 years. Pre-qualified offers are not binding. So to be clear. A wet reckless is a misdemeanor. I have a minor in possession of alcohol from 2018 and they did actually handcuff me and bring me to jail. You should obtain certified copies of whatever is available from the court, if you do decide to request reconsideration. That information should be in the transcripts. On March 27,2014 the court granted me an expulsion. I have no court records of the event. I had a disturbance of peace infraction in 2017 that was dismissed and records expunged. I was arrested for a DUII in 2016. If you find discrepancies with your credit score or information from your credit report, please contact TransUnion directly. I have court papers that I was released. What are the chances are re-applying for Global Entry successfully after being denied for forgetting to declare a DUI misdemeanor from 30 years ago? Could Global Entry or Sentri be denied if this is on my record? Once enrolled in the program, travelers get expedited entry when arriving by vehicle to the United States from Mexico and Canada. The reason listed is that You are not eligible for TTP programs. I reapplied 3 years ago got denied again beacuse of that fine. I did. I got a DUI 22 years ago. She writes about luxury travel, travel hacking and credit card rewards. I had an arrest Keeping Gambling Place in 2010 in GA and then the charges were dismissed and it was expunged.I applied for the GE, the application is pending.What would be the next steps ?Will they approve/deny or they take more time for Background check as my family got the conditional approval in 48 hours? Thanks. Last time i was denied was 7/2018. Before I became a green card holder I had DACA but was never arrested or have any record as such. I declared the violation in my global entry application in 2010 but I was denied. This is sometimes called an expungement, but it doesn't really expunge anything or seal your record. That is an arrest. When I applied the first time in December 2021 I had an Order of Protection against me. And is there a way I can run a background check on myself to see what all comes up. How should I have answered that question? If the court has purged the records, you should ask for a certified index-based search of cases in the court. I recently saw a reference to this policy in writing. I was told by Global entry officer that I have to provide them with a certified court document reflecting severity and disposition of my case. Is there any place I can call or visit to check what happened? Subsequently the charge was amended to reckless endangerment and I was given judicial diversion; on completion of 11months 29 days my charges were dropped and records expunged. They did file a report though and my passport was flagged for 7 years every time i was going into Canada. Should I anticipate a rejection to my application? I had 2 juvenile misdemeanors, age 15 and 16. All financial products, shopping products and services are presented without warranty. Also I not sure if this true but they said it would come off this year but I not sure how true this is . If someone declared their 15 year old expunged petty theft misdemeanor truthfully at the time of interview with court documents and got the global entry, do they need to redeclare it again in the questionnaire / interview at the time of renewal? I got the case expunged several years ago and have no other convictions. What if I expunged my case? What are my chances if I re-apply ? I have documents from the courts proving all of this. Im 69 years old and applied 2 weeks ago for Global Entry, as I am married to a Thai and she has a house in Thailand that I visit once or twice a year. Hello! Thanks in advance. I understand that it isnt possible to apply while under probation with withheld adjudication, but is withheld adjudication really treated as a conviction by the CBP even if the charge has been dismissed? I completed a diversion program that same year and my case was dismissed. If its not revoked, will I have trouble when trying to renew? (GE can be used as SENTRI) Do you want to add a car to your application? Should I disclose the conviction and subsequent pardon? I was recently denied today after being told in the face to face I was approved. Should I indicate that I do have a low-level misdemeanor on my record and to hope for mercy from the interviewer? Apparently, someone did something although she couldnt tell me what. Much of it, I would imagine, would relate to the strength of your evidence and arguments. This information may be different than what you see when you visit a financial institution, service provider or specific products site. Your first correspondence should be your best argument, rather than saying, why was I denied? If you like, contact me before writing to the Ombudsman and I could help you submit a good argument. Is it worth considering reapplying? Ive had Global Entry for 10 yrs already and its time for renewal but the current renewal application is much more detailed than I remember, now asking to list arrests, not just convictions. I had a customs violation (failing to declare an item) and paid a $300 fine in 2007. Should I mentione this offense from 50+ years ago? Do we have a change to reapply and get it. If you have a presidential or governors pardon, you should receive it. I paid the fine on the spot ($400NZ ouch). I recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. My car and i backed up and finally went to Inspection after that day I was just getting sent to Inspection everyday It is going to be 10 months already with going to Inspection and I had nothing in my car I just went the wrong way and didnt know where to go..would this effect me in getting the sentri if it was an incident? I guess if I am denied or conditionally approved, Ill get the court records from my DUI and hope for the best if I get to the interview stage. I have had zero issues in the US ever. I have a question regarding GE renewals. CBP needs to do a better job with people who have had old customs violations. Should I just give up? However, you'll need to consider your travel habits to decide which program is best for you. Global Entry/SENTRI: 10 Year Violation Unofficial Policy for the Trusted Traveler Program? I do not believe it matters to CBP if the conviction was deferred or expunged at a later date. Would Global Entry be able to find this even though I was a minor when it happened? If I get it expungment is possible for me to reapplied it my only offense on my record. CBP could reject over that. I have since passed several background checks, but was denied a firearm in 2011. More than 80 students were arrested when a football pep rally got out of hand. I had an initial denial for some duis when under 21 in a zero tolerance state. Using Your SENTRI Card. If she reapplies what are her chances of it being approved? had to go to court, pled nolo, paid the $100 fine. I got my global entry revoked in the beginning of 2020, I believe it was because of an incident that happened when I was at the Canadian border at Washington State. pertain ONLY to the last 5 years since original global entry was issued because everything before that was already declared and global entry issued? If not, you could have a good argument for reinstatement. However the system sent me to an officer who sent me to secondary and after sometime they just asked me to leave after checking. We have since divorced. Thanks. I applied for global entry and had a detention back in 2004. PS. Can I appeal it ? Learn more: The best travel credit cards right now. Does a pretrial diversion count against you? i dont have any convections or violations. That does not sound like a criminal incident, though. How long a wait is anyones guess. Over 15 years ago (early 20s), I was charged with a simple affray (altercation). If you keep getting sent to secondary inspections you could consider DHS Trip Redress. You should obtain all your court and criminal records for the application, if you decide to apply. Obviously this is still an arrest and I would need to disclose it on the application and interview. Since then I have obtained my DOJ records which showed the 647(A) dismissed at the time and reduced to a 602(L) trespassing and the DUI changed to a 23152(A) wet reckless. I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. Thank you for your time. Is there any way to get approved now or in the future? Would they still see it? During OP extension in 2015 I had both my mother and grandfather sick and I had to return to my country. Take in certified copies of your court dispositions to your interview. I was arrested in 2006 in college for an MIP and giving a false name. Do you think Im still eligible? When would be possible to file for a new a application? Should I try? Ten years is an unofficial policy. If it just happened you will likely have to wait a while before reinstatement. I was planning on bringing the docs I have with me but wasnt sure what I should submit I have a PDF copy of the signed motion to dismiss with an order of dismissal but it doesnt even state the original charge on there? If the court has destroyed the records, you should be able to get a certified index based search from the courthouse indicating a lack of records at that courthouse under your name and date of birth. The kiosk will issue travelers a receipt, and they can then exit to baggage claim. Or any way i can be forgiven the rest & never use Sentri Again? Was arrested on spring break in college back in 2009 for drinking under the age of 21. See https://thinkimmigration.org/blog/2021/08/04/trusted-traveler-program-fumbles/. I just reapplied. I got some lawyers and I was released after the lawyers argued the traffic stop was unlawful due their being no stop sign. Thank you. Hi, I was pulled over and eventually found guilty for DWAI 1192 in NYS In 2008. CBP generally denies requests due to criminal, customs, immigration violations, or close association to people who are a security risk. Unfortunately, the application fee that you paid ($50 to $122.25, depending on the program) is non-refundable even in the case of a denial. juvenile detention, that would not be considered an adult criminal conviction. Now my whole family had sentri revoked my mom my sister my brother in law . Good luck with your request. Was interrogated about juvenile records during a GE interview I felt that to NOT be under the parameters of questioning about criminal history since I was never convicted of any crime as a juvenile under age 18. I had to leave the USA in 2006. You may be able to get the Global Entry fee reimbursed with a credit card you already have in your wallet even some with annual fees under $100. Wondering if its a waste of time. I was convicted of a petty theft misdemeanor 17/18 years ago. This was a single arrest producing multiple charges: Possession of Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class E drugs, Larceny over $100, and Receiving Stolen Goods. Contact me directly if you want me to prepare that for you. Thanks! My guess is that the would not, especially if it is a recent violation. My application is pending right now. I have never heard of someone receiving SENTRI with more than one conviction. I have never heard of anyone getting approved who had a felony conviction. I have those court documents from the attorney. old) and I had SENTRI, that was 13 years ago. I blew 0.02 well below the legal limit and was let go with no charges. They called the cops. You just have to keep in mind that the program has been in a dark place the past year with zero customer service and questionable input from the Ombudsmans office. My plea and obeyance dismissed the charge after completion of 1 year probation in 2019. thanks! I had an infraction with customs in 2014, my friends bought tostestorone boosters from the pharmacy, and I even declared it with cbp not knowing it was illegal, but they sent us to secondary. Would I be flagged for GE forever or is it worth trying this again in a few years? I have a misdemeanor Marijuana possession from 1978. It also has a cheaper application fee. Would I be better off waiting to apply after April of 2023 or has it been long enough since it is more than 11 years since the arrest date. Is it normal for arrest records to show up at the Global Entry interview as soon as you are fingerprinted? I applied for a reconsideration but I dont know what to do from there if im denied again. This is the only offense Ive ever had. Apparently i was eligible when they give me conditional approval and again after my interview. Citi / AAdvantage Executive World Elite Mastercard. My husband is no legal resident which I did disclose his information when they asked me for his name and dob. Would she be able to get it reinstated in less than 10 years or wait the 10 years? Additionally, your Sentri card receives all the same benefits as Global Entry, meaning you can use it for expedited processing at participating US Airports. If you receive an interview, I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. I have never been arrested or have had problems with the law besides some speeding tickets. If you do decide to apply, I recommend obtaining certified minutes of the disposition. If you were charged as a minor, ie. As I understand, CBP is focused on criminal, customs, and immigration violations. I had two DUIs, years 1995 and 1997. Would a denial affect his ability to travel/fly in the future?Thank you. This happened, my sentri card was revoked while the process to renewal it for... And have no other convictions of 21 i mentione this offense from 50+ years ago a petty misdemeanor! Ge was revoked in July, 2020 right when i applied for Global Entry as sentri ) do you me. An MIP and giving a false name it happened a petty theft misdemeanor 17/18 years?... Simple affray ( altercation ) to an Officer who sent me to jail been provided as why! The process to renewal it not even a parking ticket for arrest records show... Incident referred to below occurred ( may 2013 ) or any way get... 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