What will happen during the leap to the East that the SE Portion is predicted to take when the Bridge releases? It will be done slowly. One thing I CAN agree with NASA on is that this can change our weather patterns. Projection for Feb 2023 | More Good News Epic Music(842228) - Pavel. This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. The Sinai is considered a platelet the Sinai Subplate. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. You might enjoy the SuspiciousObservers YouTube channel. Russia does not make the claims the Daily Star or Marfoogle TV on YouTube are making. This is also in the JOLT blog. POLE SHIFT GSM CC Watch on #poleshiftnewscom #poleshift #maverickstar Our weather patterns have been changing for years and strange weather patterns have been increasing as time goes on; more earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and more have been on the uptick across the board! After the Passover of Nibiru/Pole-shift, we think volcanic dust gloom will last up to 40 years. Even some of my American friends are buying into the anti-Russia war fever and logic doesn't seem to enterinto it anymore. View Discussions. Check the priorning chats archivesor the priorGLP chat archives. Video: Show more. Most liked, retweeted and popular Tweets. The, Magnetic North (the magnetic North force that a compass points to). This coastline will at first find water receding, but this is a false signal and should not be trusted. EOZT. Ask NASA Climate, "Flip Flop: Why Variations in Earth's Magnetic Field Aren't Causing Today's Climate Change," August 3, 2021, NASA, "Earth's Magnetosphere: Protecting Our Planet from Harmful Space Energy," August 3, 2021, Science, "A global environmental crisis 42,000 years ago," Feb. 19, 2021, Science, "Comment on "A global environmental crisis 42,000 years ago," Nov. 18, 2021, Science, "Response to Comment on "A global environmental crisis 42,000 years ago," Nov. 18, 2021, Email interview, Andrew Biggin, professor of paleomagnetism at the University of Liverpool, Feb. 14, 2023, Email interview, Monika Korte, interim leader of the geomagnetism section at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Feb. 15, 2023, CNN, "Reversal of Earths magnetic poles may have triggered Neanderthal extinction and it could happen again," Feb. 19, 2021, United States Geological Survey, "Are earthquakes associated with variations in the geomagnetic field?" At the World Economic Forum, Moderna CEO Stphane Bancel admitted that his company produced 100,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines in 2019, before the pandemic started. Posted by Nancy Lieder on January 28, 2023 at 2:58pm in ZetaTalk. In a 2021 blog, Alan Buis of the National Aeronautics and Space Administrations Jet Propulsion Laboratory explained why variations in Earths magnetic field are not causing climate change. Now it has emerged. Tidal bore that will astonish anyone seeking refuge from high winds in the ravines. What happened the last time the poles reversed? Andrew Biggin, a paleomagnetism professor at the University of Liverpool, said that even if someone were to accept the Lanchamps studys claim that the shift produced changes in the global climate, that event stands apart from what is happening with climate now: "The Laschamps event 42,000 years ago was far, far more severe a geomagnetic event than anything we are seeing today," he said. The sun will rise in the west and set in the east, The veil will be lifted to all spiritual realms and dimensions, Additional lands and realms outside of our knowledge will be unlocked, There will be two suns in our sky, the current one and one from the central sun (inner earth), The Return of Jesus (Jeshua), the end of all lies and the beginning of truth; Revelation. The british researcher from above said that in his observatory, they found that the north pole will enter those weak magnetic lines around 2023 february - april. Without doubt. Canada also added that it was monitoring a "potential second incident". Prior ZT: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/17ju2017.htmWe have predicted that the world will go on thebarter systemafter the Pole Shift. Something is mighty suspicious and strange about this supposed Chinese balloon which is now casually cascading across the US and why the heaven won't they shoot the balloon down already? ", "In our view," they wrote, "Cooper et al. On February 25 we see that fracturing the Bridge is somewhat of an iterative process. Stretching from the Isthmus (where the Fault Line starts) through to the Atlantic, this border will not restrict the SE Portion when it jumps to the East. It is true! Of course both schemes assume that mankind will stop being nefarious and greedy, which does not happen on 3D worlds. What then is likely to happen to the Hoover Dam as the pressure of the N American bow increases, as it surely will prior to the New Madrid adjustment? PolitiFact previously fact-checked the claim that humans are not causing climate change and rated it False. NORAD sent American fighter jets, which were soon joined by Canadian fighters, to track it. China knows that redrawing the landscape after the Rupture would take time, and they intend to have updated charts of the changed landscape quickly. There has already been trauma in the oil and gas fields of Iraq http://www.zetatalk.com/info/tinfx335.htm which are exploding when the pointed top of the Saudi Plate cuts through them during the waggling of the Saudi Plate. Either way, experts say changes in the magnetic field dont affect the weather and climate on the Earths surface or the occurrence of earthquakes. According to a physics professor; the sun has been giving off coronal mass ejections every 11 years and its possible a coronal mass ejection could occur in 2025. 1.3K views 10 months ago POLE SHIFT is approaching in around Aril of 2023. Although this does affect navigation, he said, "there is little scientific evidence of any significant link between Earths drifting magnetic poles and climate.". That has yet to be determined, seen, experienced and recorded for future generations. If not how will the financial losses and the insurance companies manage all the issues? DominateDave 6 mo. Posted by Nancy Lieder on February 25, 2023 at 2:21pm in ZetaTalk. One man was killed following a collision with an oncoming train in southeastern Texas, causing more than a dozen cars to derail. Other theories are thata Great Solar Flash could take place; some say it will be the end; and others, like NASA say,"Though they sound scary, pole flips can take a long time to occur and pose no immediate threat.". What's really going on here? A silent stretch zone is one where Earth plates are not being clashed against each other or scraped along each other on plate borders or fault lines. This is inevitable in any case when the Pole Shift arrives in a few short years, with ownership of farms in the hands of those who have been working them and ownership of cars and homes likewise in the possession of those who currently possess them, with various Mad-Max scenarios playing out among survivor groups. Giving further indication that we are over due a pole shift. Other experts told PolitiFact that the 2021 study from Australia is controversial. Changes in earths Frequency will effect the human body, but will it effect it in a negative or positive way? Official govt docs expose Michelle Obamas 14 year history as a man., "Woody Harrelsons 60 seconds in the middle of his monologue was cut out of the edits released after the show., BREAKING Trump preps Marines to stop presidential coup.. The object was about the size of a small car and was at flying about 40,000 feet. ZetaTalk Chat for February 28, 2023. 14.6K views | Nancy will then post all accepted email questions from the general public to this discussion. [and from another]U.S. This UFO display is a reminder of earlier warnings given to Phoenix, as the time of the New Madrid Rupture is at hand. The future-proof system is hailed as the way forward for all financial transactions. In addition Trump just recently said that he did not want SS and Medicare or VA benefits taken from the seniors. From openhandweb.org: The myth of manmade global warming has been well and truly exploded by the alternative media - it's just another tool by the shadow to attempt to coral and lockdown. The sun is not supposed to be affected by a magnetic flip. The south pole is out in the ocean (I think). Does the balloon from China have anything to do with PX? No one should be hurt there is a video on youtube. Where the Barter system http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/17ju2017.htmis a frank exchange of items that are real and palpable, the issue of paying interest on a loan has proven to be fraught with opportunity for debt slavery and exorbitant interest. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. Some lands will rise, some will submerge, and most will be depopulated. . Will there be a pole shift on February 4, 2023? An epic moment for humans on Earth and NO ONE even knows! Excuse the glitch; I typed; be sure to visit the Maverick Star Observatory if you dont trust NASA. But the study has been subject to debate, with other scientists arguing that the research cherry-picked data and ignored other evidence. Essentially Syria had room to shift over as the subplate turned into the Mediterranean. Pole shift in March 2023 is being kept quiet - Nexus Newsfeed Photo courtesy: Skywatch Pole shift in March 2023 is being kept quiet WE ONLY HAVE 14 MONTHS LEFT.. Facebook None of the officials were named. [and from another]https://amg-news.com/breaking-news-military-government-just-shot-do[and from another]https://twitter.com/ZT_Followers/status/1624586695093141504[and from another]China-US-Canada Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) NewsFebruary 12, 2023https://www.disclose.tv/id/1624748244705112065/China is getting ready to take down an unidentified object spotted flying over waters near the port city of Qingdao, The Paper reported. You are vibrating particles, everything you see is frequency; just vibrating at different rates. The Sinai will have a new orientation to lands on either side. Some will unlock powers they never knew they had such as telepathy, healing and psychic abilities. CSX Transportation are also on the scene. I have been reading alot of different things about this. the pending Pole Shift) that there will be no cash flow, no collection of taxes, and no payment of debts of any kind. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacingthe income taxwith anational sales tax, abolishingcompound interestonsecured loans, and returning to abimetallic currency, would result in 0%inflationand a morestable economy. have used the archaeological and paleontological data selectively in order to create a narrative that could support the Laschamps as the main driver of a global environmental crisis.". When the SE Portion takes a leap to the East, this will tear open a void off-shore of Guyana, and this will include tsunami. Where is the line drawn? Well its not God personally AA MICHAEL and some other cat . Debt Relief http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue736.htmwas proffered as a means of allowing the wealthy to buy homes and farms in exchange for mortgage relief. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/02/developing-emergency-offic https://www.foxcarolina.com/2023/02/13/officials-responding-train-d https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2023/02/13/east-palestine-ohi http://www.zetatalk.com/index/tinfx144.htm, http://www.zetatalk.com/info/tinfo24y.htm. So.the decision to shoot down the thing was done on Weds. The New York Times cited senior intelligence officials who were familiar with the dialogue between Israel and the United States about the incident. Updated 04:55. Watch "Major Earthquakes, Pole Shift Science, Space Weather | S0 News Feb.6.2023" on YouTube https://lnkd.in/gtXQW-hE. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. 801 3rd St. S St. Petersburg, FL The Eastern Edge of the Caribbean Plate is covered in quakes for this reason, as it is tearing open. All these matters are in Gods hands. Scientists trace this phenomenon to the Industrial Revolution, which began in 1760. We have predicted widespread banking and insurance company failure, with a leap to the Barter system as a result. It would rise, and flow into Los Vegas along the ravines that connect the two. Month of ramadhan 2023 is 22 march - 21 april. where is the web site called MAGNETIC POLE SHIFT ENCYCLOPEDIA? MySpace !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); SOZTThese Chinese surveillance balloons are not an immediate threat else they would not be in plain sight. Is there some plan in the works for getting involved in BRICS before the world goes into barter out of necessity due to the planet's activities? This must be BS. This is startling information and another huge pointer towards a shift on this planet of global proportions. Prior ZT: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/30no2019.htmHow do banks fail, softly or with a hard crash? The concept is ludicrous, when examined as to workability, and after an initial perk of interest, soon falls into this type of discussion onhowit would be implemented. February 1, 2023. However, some reports say that we are to go into the opposite; and experiencean arctic freeze like many earth cycles in the past. View Discussions. Ive got a bit of information from it; looking for more. According to the United States Geological Survey, electromagnetic variations have been observed after earthquakes, "but despite decades of work, there is no convincing evidence of electromagnetic precursors to earthquakes.". Prior ZT: http://www.zetatalk.com/info/tinfo24y.htmTsunami are generated anytime a plate drops or rises under the sea. Greetings from Guyana; as regards the prediction below from the Zetas, is it possible to get an update on the probable height of the tsunami that will assault the South American coast line after the South American Roll completes? Pole reversals have occurred several times in Earths geologic history. At a rate of 5 miles per month, that puts the magnetic pole position at the 40 degree mark by March of 2023! Their ambitions were exposed in 2020 when they were caught coming over the Michigan and Maine http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue743.htmborders. >>> work at home, God is flipping the poles because it is nessisary for us to achieve 5d. Many loans are paid off due to this exorbitant interest, yet are on the books and subject to legal action by the banks. NESARA was one such scheme http://www.zetatalk.com/transfor/t153.htmwhich never became law within the US, but which lingers on like a fantasy forever out of reach. Iran claimed to have intercepted drones that struck a military industry target near the central city of Isfahan, and said there were no casualties or serious damage. Nancy will then post all accepted email questions from the general public to this discussion. [and from another] "Russia could Nuke UK with 'Unstoppable' Torpedo causing 500m Radioactive Tsunamihttps://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/russia-could-nuke-uk-unRussian state TVhave broadcast a mock video of the UK being obliterated by a tsunami set off by a nuclear missile sent from Moscow. ZetaTalk Prediction 4/30/2021: The St Lawrence Seaway rips open during the New Madrid adjustment, and rips further during the Pole Shift. Led by researchers from Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany and the Institut Catal de Paleoecologia Humana i Evoluci Social in Spain, they argued that "other scientific studies indicate that that proposition is unproven from the current archaeological, paleoanthropological, and genetic records. Vinyl chloride, a gas contained in five of the cars, was released and burned to prevent explosion, causing toxic fumes to be released in the area. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. Jess Hardiman. Were the booms heard in Israel on January 30 due to conflicts between Israel and Iran? Well studies show that this frequency that the earth emits is connected to the human body, like a life force. #Poleshift #earthquake #floods February 2023 POLE SHIFT . Another theorist and psychic Edgar Cayce predicted a 16 to 20 degree shift,. If Nancy indicates that your question is , https://poleshift.ning.com/forum/categories/zetatalk-1/listForCategory, https://eq.gsi.gov.il/en/earthquake/lastEarthquakes.php, https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message5347837/pg1. That's right, you cannot live without this Schumann Resonance and the Earth's frequency, at least not for long and not in a healthy way. A 2021 study suggested a pole reversal 41,500 years ago had an effect on the climate. SOZTThe SE Portion of N America wraps around the Caribbean Plate from the Eastern Edge of the Caribbean Plate to the Atlantic Rift. However, over the last 11 years,the magneticpole has been moving very fast and is currently moving a rate of 5.25 miles ever 30 days! That these significant train derailments happened together, in a blitz, means that the stretch has increased. If NASA says, "everything is fine" it is finerightright? Is the Earths magnetic field affecting our climate and causing disasters? Before the West Coast of the US starts adjusting to the new position of Mexico, with slip-slide adjustments, there will be a bending of the Arizona desert area that will fracture the dry soil, create a breach in the great Colorado River dam, and allow magma to rise in the calderas in the US - Mammoth Lake in California and Yellowstone. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong withyour demands or your questions. Rent past due? Terms of Service. [and from another]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NESARATheNational Economic Security and Recovery Act(NESARA) is a set of proposed economic reforms for theUnited Statessuggested during the 1990s by private citizen Harvey Francis Barnard. According to deputies, a truck collided with the train, causing it to derail. [and from another] Emergency Officials Responding to Two More Train Derailments One in South Carolina, Another in TexasFebruary 13, 2023https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/02/developing-emergency-officAt least one person is dead after a crash caused a train derailment at US 59 in Montgomery, Texas. #Poleshift #earthquake #floods February 2023 POLE SHIFT . They fight tooth and nail to getintopolitics, where they are in the power structures, on the stage, and must be pried away from this life, in the main. Minor tsunamis are already resulting from quakes along the Atlantic Rift which force open the widening gap. Monika Korte, interim leader of the geomagnetism section at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, said it is "quite disputed among scientists." The Quantum Financial System was created, creating a new era for financial services as well as monetary transactions. Seeds, hand tools, livestock, medicinal herbs, and skill sets such as carpentry and dentistry will be of value, where former accountants and hedge fund managers will be rejected by survival camps. "https://www.youtube.com/live/WkwBH9X5L8k?feature=share[and from another]Russia Outlines Response if Ukraine gets Longer-Range WeaponsFebruary 2, 2023https://www.rt.com/russia/570849-lavrov-western-arms-ukraine/Ukrainian forces will be pushed further back from Russian territories in response to the Wests decision to provide Kiev with longer-range weapons, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has claimed. JavaScript Kit. Quantum Financial System is heavily secured by Secret Space Programs (SSP), providing the highest level of security. Report an Issue | This July 2011 file photo shows an iceberg floating in the sea near Greenland. ", No one at any of the Observatories are reporting on this either but ONE! This has lately been replaced by the Quantum Financial System, which claims that with sufficient oversight bank fraud and crypto theft would not occur. [and from another]Two more Trains Derail in USFebruary 14, 2023https://www.rt.com/news/571439-us-two-trains-derail/The back-to-back accidents come days after another freighter carrying hazardous chemicals derailed in Ohio. This is the start to what could become the covenant with many and the . NASA explained: "the Earth's magnetic field has flipped its polarity many times over the millennia." Reply. Likewise up along the Seaway where the Seaway itself as well as the Fault Line are pulling apart. [and from another]Train derailments in Ohio, Texas and South Carolina all within these past 7 days. Steven Greer claimed once that there was a "Plan" within the deep state to create a space war with holograms and make claims that mankind is greater and better warriors than our angels. [and from another]US Shoots Down unknown 'High-Altitude Object' over AlaskaFebruary 11, 2023https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/us-shoots-high-altitude-object-alasRecovery operations continued Saturday to retrieve a "high-altitude object" shot down over the waters off Alaska. Video shows President Joe Biden recalling an alien encounter. John F. Kirby, a spokesman for the National Security Council, said in a press briefing that the object had been downed out of an abundance of caution. Troops with U.S. Northern Command were working on Saturday near Deadhorse, Alaska, with Alaska National Guard units, the F.B.I. The Earth's Core Stopped Rotating - Pole Shift February 4 2023? China is being torn apart by the Eurasia stretch, pulled into the compressing Pacific. Rifles were involved in 297 deaths in the U.S. in 2022 and constipation killed 2,167., Drinking or using tap water treated with chlorine is dangerous because chlorine is a poison., Joe Biden described America as the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping., Kid Rock tweeted, Some people wouldnt recognize tyranny if it slapped a mask on their face, made them stand 6 feet apart, and forced them to take a vaccine for a virus with a 99.8% survival rate.. It would be wise for people to keep monitoring this and visit the o see story for updates; esp. Meanwhile, various Debt Relief http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/31oc2020.htmschemes have been proffered to retain control of assets by the banks. NASA's MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution) principal investigator Bruce Jakosky, with University of Colorado, Boulder, warned recently that there is evidence the Earth's magnetic field is weakening and that we would soon see a complete reversal of magnetic poles. Earth's Magnetic North Pole Is Shifting Dramatically From A Powerful Tug Of War More From Forbes Feb 27, 2023,02:00am EST Tesla's Full Self Driving Isn't The Only Technology With Speed Sign. SOZTWe have detailed what will happen as the African Plate rolls, dropping the NE corner of Africa so it scrapes down the Red Sea, waggling the Saudi Plate as it does so. Since that period, carbon dioxide rose 40% and methane by 150%. True North (located on a map) Magnetic North (the magnetic North force that a compass points to) Gene talks about tests that he has created that show that the magnetic field destabilize at this point. The massive series of quakes in Turkey on February 6 can be considered collateral damage from the Africa Roll and Sinai subplate turn. 1. https://amg-news.com/breaking-news-military-government-just-shot-do https://twitter.com/ZT_Followers/status/1624586695093141504, https://www.disclose.tv/id/1624748244705112065/, https://www.disclose.tv/id/1624585363569143808/. East Epi submarine volcano erupts for the first time since 2004, 10 km danger zone established, Vanuatu. The islands will have no such warning, but will sink suddenly in concert with the quakes. Is Nibiru real? [and from another]https://www.ipma.pt/en/maritima/hs/. -. Well, like any two magnets that attract to one another, a stronger magnet can make another flip completely. The New Madrid Rupture is anticipated momentarily, as the surveillance coverage by both US and European planes in the skies for the past couple weeks frankly show. Who would buy that politicians would resign? 20006, Florida This was because it was intended to hold back an immense amount of water, and the site chosen because the rock on either side of the dam was considered impervious to erosion or crumbling. "We have no way of knowing when this shift will occur or how quickly but its been an earth phenomenon for eons. Illegal assets were confiscated. Thank you! At some points in the Earths history, there have been "geomagnetic excursions" shorter-lived but significant changes in the magnetic fields intensity. Now he won't defend our skies. The Magnetic North Pole moves and bounces around, however it has been making its way to this magnetic anomaly located in Russia. Experts say no. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case. Who and what is forcing this? So people could experience more severe sunburn in less time than before; which is a concern for skin cancers. With at least 326 people also dying in government-controlled parts of Syria, this puts death toll of the regions most powerful tremor in nearly a century at more than 1,200. During the reversal the electromagnetic grid will be affected. The political turmoil at that time was considered an opportunity, and the New Madrid Rupture is certainly considered an opportunity. Except for some enclaves where the wealthy will try to barter art work and precious jewels among themselves, or some holdouts where paper money and banking still prevail for a few months, only items of real worth will be used as a medium of exchange. February 18, 2021 at 3:02 pm A flip-flop of Earth's magnetic poles between 42,000 and 41,000 years ago briefly but dramatically shrank the magnetic field's strength and may have triggered a. That research, however, was criticized by other scientists who published a response in Science. Guyana can thus anticipate tsunami during the SE Portion leap to the East of 100 foot at sea level, but exponentially greater up the ravines due to tidal bore. ", This post was flagged as part of Facebooks efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. Prior ZT: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/31oc2022.htmThe Russian submarine Belgorod was noted to be absent from its berth in the Arctic on October 3, which raised speculation that Russia intended to use it as a threat against either the US or European NATO members who are refusing to capitulate to Russia on the Ukraine issue. There was more than one quake of record on January 29 and 30 with an epicenter where the Sinai subplate will break from the mainland. Additionally, changes in the Schumann Resonance could greatly effect humans as a whole! Pole Shift 2023 - 2025 50% - 80% Population | Remember who You Are Creepy and simple horror background music(1070744) - howlingindicator. For Fun, here are some THEORIES of what may happen: Google pays a good associate degree working from home earning between $4,500 and $6,000 per week. But the Nibiru cover-up lives on. Photo of electric charging station powered by diesel generator is emblematic of the electric vehicle movement. Are these related? https://insiderpaper.com/quake-death-toll-in-turkey-soars-to-912-er http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/28fe2023.htm, https://youtube.com/shorts/dhbsjS-6uHc?feature=share, http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta355.htm, http://www.zetatalk.com/info/tinfx406.htm. Really? 259.7K views | Epic Music(842228) - Pavel. First Biden refused to defend our borders. If so, what was the telepathic message that the ETs were transmitting to the local Phoenix residents? The scientists analyzed the rings of ancient New Zealand kauri trees to track changes in radiocarbon levels during the pole reversal. The sick footage shows a Russian state anchor revelling as the missile plummets into to the North Atlantic Ocean, sparking a giant tidal wave that engulfs both Ireland and the UK. For Feb 2023 | more Good News Epic Music ( 842228 ) - Pavel on January 30 to. Seaway itself as well as monetary transactions 2:21pm in ZetaTalk is fine it... Shift on this planet of global proportions hurt there is a reminder of warnings. Leap to the East that the SE Portion of N America wraps around the Caribbean to... So people could experience more severe sunburn in less time than before ; which is a on... Not exist on the climate https: //amg-news.com/breaking-news-military-government-just-shot-do https: //www.disclose.tv/id/1624748244705112065/, https: //www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/02/developing-emergency-offic:... 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