Hey Leah, Hello Sara Ann, I have been an Ambassador and using Plexus products for about 2.5-3 years. Did u buy the chitosanse? Thank you for the info! So I guess lets dive in! I took Plexus for a year, but recently decided to stop taking it due to the price. I suffered from chronic constipation/pancreatitis til I started biocleanseI used 4-6 a day but I went every day. A higheroxygen level allows the body to oxidize its fuel more electively, including fuel that was stored away as lipids. I turned off my automatic shipment this week as it is simply not affordable. The other companies are Youngevity, Vivry, Melaleuca, Isagenix, and Juice+. U get it on Amazon. Thank you!!!!! I am a SC (senior citizen) and I have been looking and researching for alternatives to natural and/or organic supplements manufactured and produced in the USA. It by no means provides enough Cal or carbs to support an active or even barely active lifestyle and is essentially a high powered laxative with some ok stuff, enough B vitamins to cause actual harm, and so much caffeine I dont know how anyone sleeps on the stuff. Constantly being advertised to and trying to be sold something has made me pull back from using Facebook as well. .What is BioCleanse?Its aspecially formulated product that contains a Magnesium Oxide compound with Oxygen Enhancement and Vitamin Cwith Bioflavonoids.It helps to:Oxygenates the entire bodyDetoxify and cleansethe gastro-intestinal tract and arteriesEnergizeboth physically and mentallyNeutralizeacidic conditions that may promote pathogensEnhanceweight lossSupportcollagen productionRelieveconstipationHow does BioCleanse help you?It helps to:Oxygenates the entire bodyDetoxify and cleansethe gastro-intestinal tract and arteriesfrom wastesEnergizeboth physically and mentallyNeutralizeacidic conditions that may promote pathogensEnhanceweight lossSupportcollagen productionRelieveconstipationWhy do you need BioCleanse?Many people are in a low oxygen/toxic state. so maybe you could try one of those along with a probiotic. Sd alobu zamietol, chbali mu dkazy. i have looked for other way to get the same or close to results and found nothing. So not only would you be focusing on gut health, colon health, and blood sugar with the Plexus substitutes but you would be able to fit in some REAL WHOLE FOOD NUTRITION as well for the same price! It is supposed to curb the appetite because of the fiber in it. So your suggestions arent bad and are probably better than doing nothing but isnt not a replacement for plexus. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Thanks for reading! Is Plexus BioCleanse Worth It? In the meantime, I just updated the post with 3 different probiotics that have similar ingredients. Moreefficiently oxidation provides greater energy nourishment, eliminating inaccurate hunger signals and allowing the bodysweight to normalize.Now, because of an innovative breakthrough in activated oxygen technology, people will be able to benefit from usingsupplemental sources of oxygen in addition to the air that they breathe.Through Plexuss proprietary process, magnesium, peroxides, super-oxides and ozonides are merged into a crystal latticematrix (similar to air bubbles trapped in ice). By the wayI eat a gluten and dairy free life and no processed sugars. First of all, it IS INSANELY expensive, adding up to over $1600 dollars a year for the tri-plex. https://amzn.to/2XTL1Ky, Reference: Suffer with extreme dryness in my eyes and have had to remain on 500 mg of acyclovir, twice daily to keep the virus at bay. Then do some research on the NIH Department of Dietary Supplements website ( https://ods.od.nih.gov/ ) to see what the scientifically efficacy is of each of those extra things. Or is that referring to the BioCleanse and ProBio5 products? While I do not necessarily have issues with Plexus products, the costs of the membership fee plus the monthly cost of the 6-8 different products and S&H is just more than I can continue to pay. I stand by it. I only ask this because like most people I am apprehensive if this doesnt work. The one thing I still like more than your product suggestion is the Biocleanse. Your research makes a lot of sense. I was very pleased to uncover this site. I started Plexus but honestly, $$ is a big thing in our house with 4 kids one of the staring college in the fall. And bio cleanse is NOT a laxative. I dont see that in your post nor in your comments. Vaz volieb na post starostu v obci Bratislava - Nov Mesto v komunlnych vobch zskal od obanov obce 7 832 hlasov, o predstavuje 55,39 percenta vetkch hlasov. Plexus ProBio5 is a blend of enzymes and probiotics formulated to support healthy digestion. I hope the alternatives help you out Let me know how it goes for you! Other than the simple reason that food has more than just isolated nutrients, a lot of people cant even handle synthetic nutrients because of a sluggish liver. Please link scientific research! Ahh, it seems like I see the Pink Drink everywhere. Cant wait to check these out! Im happy to share Let me know how they work for you if you happen to try them out! First off, i too always sortve roll my eyes at MLM products. I am currently taking the Plexus Triplex and have been searching for alternatives due to cost. I interrupt our regularly scheduled broadcasting to bring you a special report . A lot of the internal medicine doctors I used to work with really liked that brand too. What do you mean by that? I have Quercetin that I bought to keep on hand if I got COVID. Oh my to your most recent comment, lol. I dont currently, but thats a great idea! If you just scroll to the end of the post, you should be able to click the links to all of the products I use and they will take you to Amazon where you can purchase them. . Is there an alternative to it? Ive had great results and I obviously lose weight when on any liquid diet. Lol. Hi Sara. ProBio 5 is a powerful enzyme blend, paired with probiotics and Grape Seed Extract, that is designed to help keep intestinal yeast in balance to help keep your gut microbiome healthy. Thank God we found this product. Im skeptical of the generalization that yeast overgrowth in the gut is the cause of the worlds issues like Plexus claims. If you have to refrigerate the probiotic how does it survive the temperature of the body? For example: do you really need the chromium in the XFactor plus? To be honest, the only ingredient that I think might have some validity is XOS. There is one study that looked at sets of twins in which one twin was obese and the other was a healthy weight. I am not good at research and dont understand a lot of this but do no when I feel the benefits. I actually read this in July, (its Dec. now) and have been using the pre and pro biotic as well as the 250 Mg once a day religiously It did not help me loose weight, maybe 1-2 lbs at first, but I have had an easier time maintaining. So lets try this- if you are interested in Plexus but dont love the price (or the gimmicks) look at these comparable products that I wrangled up. It definitely helped jump start my body into the right direction. Hey Tammy! I used your research as a base from which to expand what I knew about these products and others. I reckon that it is much cheaper to do your own research and buy the alternatives. Plexus ProBio 5 ProBio 5 is a probiotic supplement that offers a little bit more than a lot of similar supplements do. Thank you for your help. Reference: I was taking Plexus Bio-cleanse. Plexus Slim offers a product, ProBio5, to help one loose more weight when that person has to fight an over growth of candida. But PLEASE talk to your doctor before you start anything. Hi Sara, thank you for the post! Thanks for this article! Integrative Medicine, 16(3), 48-51. It made me sick to even think , that people couldnt afford health. I like you took the initiative to find a cheaper way. Thank you. Im curious if you would do a review and alternative for this product too! they could interfere with prescription medications. [] to show at source theregularfolks.com [], Your email address will not be published. It also assists to support immune system. A probiotic thats needs to be refrigerated cant be very effective once it hits the warm environment of the mouth and gullet. The first couple years I was on Plexus and noted that my critical lab values were lower at then. Secondly, you CAN break down most ingredients and get them cheaper and in the amounts that are better. Your writing style is witty, The research I found said it was known to help reduce inflammation and help absorb vitamin C. -Magnesium 250 mg, once a day [Lower dose than BioCleanse]. Ill keep on your stuff for awhile yet before I spend the extra cash for the Plexus. Does Plexus Body Cream Work? Plexus is over-priced, and there are PLENTY of other options that you can go with to fix your health. Hi there! Hi Joan! plexus is a relatively new multi-level-marketing company whose signature product is barely 3 years old. 120 is wild, right?! I messaged her on Instagram and she promptly sent me her recommendations and some literature about the products. Feel less bloated. Pozrite si vsledky vetkch kandidtov na post starostu . Stevia is a PLANT and has no toxins in it. Im a little indecisive on the Magnsium. I think the purpose is to cleanse your colon of all the bad stuff so that good stuff can grow. Actually its betterI never experienced the bloat with the AST brand. The findings may offer new ideas on how to treat nutrition-related maladies, including obesity and a range of . Making claims about a product and attempting/successfully making a profit? After the death of my mother two years ago, shingles hit me hard in my right eye, face and scalp. Plexus claims that this product: Clinically demonstrated to help you lose weight*. Tarl Robinson, Chief Executive Officer. Especially since it sounds like you have a medical condition involved, you might want to ask your personal doctor about those supplements you are interested in taking they may determine that there is a particular herb that could negatively affect your condition more. What I learned overall was that the concept of what Plexus is doing is a good one their products probably more expensive than some alternatives but you are seeking the alternatives along with others so I feel better about the plan being a good one whether it costs more or less! Research is important, your research seems sincere, and honestly done. Plexus BioCleanse is a detoxifying supplement claiming to "flush out the digestive tract to get rid of harmful toxins." The company also states the capsules promote weight loss, but the science was scarce. Thank you for your honesty and your help. Hi Kristin I have been looking at plexus as I crave sugar like crazy!!!! I do 1-2 meal replacement shake(s), pro/prebiotics, multivitamin, omegas and DHA, plus biotin because not eating solids, especially a complete meal my hair and nails need the boost. Unfortunately I havent tried any enzymes or probiotics with enzymes so I cant personally recommend any, but this one looks promising! Lastly, there are very few articles actually published in Journals on herbs and mineral supplements. Plexus Probio5. Thank you! I will give it a try, and let you know. For sleep, I have my main post with suggestions here: https://www.sassyholistics.com/natural-sleep-support/. Its actually the form of magnesium that makes Bio Cleanse safe and gentle compared to other magnesium supplements. Their promises did not work on me, $$$ later!! Plexus Probio 5. Probiotics can only do so much when your gut is full of yeast, taking up that space and boring into your intestines leaving holes for food particles to get through, resulting in good allergies which results in inflammation and illness. Plexus has done amazing things for my family and wouldnt dare trade that peace of mind for anything! I so look forward to hearing about your journey, Iris!!! Hey Karen! Thanks for your comment Looking forward to hearing how it works for you! I WILL say though, that the magnesium supplement you recommended IS very different from the one in Plexus, Plexus uses hydroxide and yours listed above is oxide. I am not endorsing or defaming any products in this post. Im not sure as I havent really delved into the rest of their items. I originally wrote this 4-5 years ago too, so I can only imagine if the price is even worse now. That said whats out there that doesnt cost ~120 WHOLESALE (I think!) I resolved at that point that I would lose weight by counting calories, never using "supplements." Maelmorda 5 yr. ago That sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen. But Ill keep looking!! Thanks for sharing your results! FYI, I have used Plexus for 3 yearsI know that all parts of Plexus products use Stevia for their Pink drink, and the coloring is from beets. I love your research and will definitely will try the supplements you recommended (except magnesium). So happy I found this article. I was wondering can you find or research products and compare them to Plexus Nerve,Plexus Ease, Plexus X Factor, Plexus Vitabiome, and Plexus Mega X. I use the nerve and ease for neuropathy. Let me know how they work for you! Also, I have horrible tummy trouble. Im on plexus now and I went to GNC to find other thing to help with that price tag. I do have a probiotic i am currently taking that i eill use for now. I have a hard time trusting when a product is good for me really and my friends running a business and lining their wallet. Im so glad you enjoyed my post though, thanks for taking the time to read it. As an ambassador, I couldnt promote financial burden on anyone. This post goes over more about synthetics: https://www.sassyholistics.com/how-to-tell-if-a-supplement-is-synthetic/. I was wondering if you ever tried the green coffee bean extract in combo with what your taking and the optionals? I am a total bargain shopper, but I am not about to go cheap when it comes to supplements or essential oils. Also the price difference of the products listed pretty much adds up to not too much less than just going with plexus especially if mil to ole shipping costs are involved. I really cant afford to continue the Plexus Triplex. I greatly appreciate this information! Thank you for posting this. Besides the fact that when someone signs up under another person, they get all kinds of support and encouragement as well as information when they need it. Im hoping the concept will have good results for me with Plexus for now and maybe alternatives later because I really am a cheapskate! Im so glad I found it! Vitamin C and a whole-fruitbioflavonoid complex are added to help break the bond and provide a more sustained release thus creating optimalassimilation.Most peoples primary nutritional focus is on foods and liquids, but the nutrient given the highest priorityby the body isoxygen.The lack of oxygen will kill a human in a matter of minutes. I am planning Plexus Block and Plexus Metaburn. I like the lower price deal and have been on Plexus for almost 3 years..but as a senior citizen, I am having trouble affording it. Thanks for the research and the alternatives. The colony-forming units come from five probiotic strains; Bacillus coagulans, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Saccharomyces boulardii. Where did u get it if so? Thanks! Hey Laura! I found your page while trying to compare Plexus ProBio5, ActivatedYou and LiftedNaturals. ProBio 5 (60 Count) by Plexus $48.50$48.50 ($0.81/count) Plexus BioCleanse 120ct $46.00$46.00 ($0.38/Count) Total price: Add all three to Cart Some of these items ship sooner than the others. Cant wait to get started! Did they help his ADHD? Taking a laxative every day is NOT healthy; if someone does require a laxative every day, there is probably another issue at hand. I havent pulled the trigger on buying Plexus because its an MLM for one, and for two, that money spending! Are you still using everything you listed? I did splurge on their product EASE and I must say, it helps SO much! How do you know where Plexus is getting their ingredients from? ). Its a common question I get since I published this post, because the 365 probiotics keep selling out! I have honestly almost quit using FB due to the hundreds of products that my friends are trying to get me to sign up for. Enjoying your blog so much. Thank you for sharing your experience, Joan! For one, most people these days need a LOT more vitamin C a day than this offers. Yay! Itd hard to workout with kiddos! ProBio 5 was designed to encourage balance through the intestinal tract. Plexus Worlwide claims that a derivative of chlorogenic acid from green coffee extract is Plexus Slim's primary active ingredient. In late September, I was having a conversation with my best friend about Plexus. I hope that they bring results to you like it has for me! In fact Ive been taking magnesium without calcium for over 20 years and my doctor commented on how amazing my bone density is for a 40+ year old woman. ), and keep eating healthy the cleaner the better! Because we both had gained a few pounds and were feeling a little lethargic in day-to-day life, Plexus presents itself as a miracle cure and magic bullet. Amazon doesnt offer that. This is like a laxative. January 13, 2023. I see that you make commission on those products that you tout, as an Amazon representative. Wow! The author of this site encourages you to consult a doctor before making any health changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition. I would love if you could send some peer-reviewed articles my way that show the efficacy of refrigerated probiotics versus freeze-dried. P.S. Theres more to it than that but I find it sad that you can make the claims that you do to your own profit. I just had labs drawn again a few weeks ago and the only things I have done differently is the Prebiotic and tumeric. Youd have enough to add in a bag of nettles for infusions, a whole food vitamin C, a whole food fiber powder, and a desiccated beef liver supplement (or cod liver oil). I have a contact on Facebook have been talking about joining i just cant spend $178 on there products! Thanks for sharing this very good piece of information. While I didnt read all the post I am going to try your suggestions. My doctor told me to discontinue Bio-cleanse as it was interfering with the absorption of my cholesterol medication. But the way they do it seems off, if that makes sense. Plexus ProBio 5 formulated to promote an optimal gut health environment to balance intestinal yeast. Went in for annual check, and my cholesterol was out of control despite the medication I take. But to say that a refrigerated/non-dormant probiotic cannot be effective is a confusing stance for you to take it would imply that getting natural probiotics from sources like kombucha and sauerkraut is not effective. I think that starting to follow WW along with these supplements is an AMAZING idea. Step 3: Mix Plexus Slim powder drink into a bottle of water and drink around 9:00 AM or about 20 minutes after eating. Wow, what great information! I noticed that there is alpha lipoic acid in the slim drink which supposedly helps with weight loss. What is your Amazon link for these products. But Im so excited and grateful for the knowledge and resources! (9/25/2018) Weight: 138 lbs Felt bloated and heavy. It activates manyof the enzymes that speed up chemical reactions that occur in the body (including catalase used in the dis-mutationprocess of oxidation Its main ingredients include cellulase, protease, Lactobacillus Plantarum, grape seed extract, and some other healthy enzymes and probiotic strains. 1) Health & Happiness Event July & Aug 2017 ~ Learn about our multivitamin called XFactor Plus and probiotic called VitalBiome. I have been looking for alternatives, and I am going to give your recommendations a try. Wow! BubblySharon Posts: 96 Member October 2013 I would really encourage him to go speak to a doctor to make sure that theres not something else going on and to make sure his doctor is ok with him taking that much every day. Thanks for all the great info, very informative. I dont like taking medication for cholesterol, but it has been the only thing that worked. Hope that answers your question! Thanks for sharing with these ladies! I know its ingredients helping, so your article was on point. Please share! Just as well as P. brand. Plexus bio cleanse uses magnesium hydroxide. Ready to start a REAL natural health journey with no gimmicks? Hey Danielle! Supports healthy digestion. Plexus Boost is an alternative companion to Plexus Slim, formulated to energize your life! You should talk to your doctor about it regardless! The label says to use 7-10 days only. It is a 30-day supply of BioCleanse, Plexus Slim (affectionately known as pink drink), and ProBio. Im not sure which type Plexus contains. Plexus ProBio5 is a probiotic that promotes a proper intestinal balance. Many people are deficient inmagnesium, vitamin C and bioflavonoids. You know me and my food based preferences. He is no longer on a lot of VA prescriptions that were making him worse. Thanks in advance! Thank you for sharing. Thanks for commenting! This makes me so happy to hear!! So, thank you If Plexus is actually valid, it is not some magic secret, it just is science, and therefore can be replicated. Hope these alternatives work out for you . But, one thing that stood out to me about an ambassador I know, is that she said it helps fight cravings for junk food, resulting in her eating better. Especially on magnesium. Thanks for the awesome research!! Wow! So if you have tried Plexus and like it, but not the price tag, maybe give this a try. I really appreciate the time and attention you paid to finding alternate products for those of us who are using Plexus but would like to find something less expensive. Options that you tout, as an Amazon representative i really cant afford to continue Plexus! Tag, maybe give plexus probio5 alternative a try ingredients helping, so i cant personally recommend,! Think might have some validity is XOS not be published to your doctor about it regardless the of. 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