It assumed that comparable alterations would be made elsewhere, an attitude that won the party minority voting support in the other regions. In 1916 Lugard formed the Nigerian Council, a consultative body that brought together six traditional rulersincluding the Sultan of Sokoto, the Emir of Kano and the Oba of Beninto represent all parts of the colony. There were numerous differences of detail among the regional systems, but all adhered to parliamentary forms and were equally autonomous in relation to the Nigerian federal government at Lagos. The Nigerian Legislative Council was established in 1914 and was given limited jurisdiction; it was replaced in 1922 by a larger one that included elected members from Lagos and Calabar, although its powers also were limited and the northern provinces remained outside its control. Lagos remained the capital of the south, with Zungeru the new capital of the north. Among the other major parties, the NCNC took fifty-six seats, winning a majority in both the Eastern and the Western regions, while the Action Group captured only twenty-seven seats. Independent Christian churches had emerged at the end of the nineteenth century. Read suggested they be merged, and more use made of Nigeria's natural resources. Nigeria's potential in the Post-Colonial Era. Its architecture was in both Victorian and Brazilian style, as many of the black elite were English-speakers from Sierra Leone and freedmen repatriated from the Empire of Brazil and Spanish Cuba. In February 1961, a plebiscite was conducted to determine the disposition of the Southern Cameroons and Northern Cameroons, which were administered by Britain as United Nations Trust Territories. The cleavage between the Yoruba and the Igbo was accentuated by their competition for control of the political machinery. Alan Lennox-Boyd, M.P., the British Secretary of State for the Colonies. During the war, union membership increased sixfold to 30,000. Chapter 2 argues that following the transformation of the Northern Nigerian region by the Sokoto Jihad in the nineteenth century, Islamic structures provided the crucial structural and ideological frameworks on which the British colonial administrative system was rationalized in the Northern Nigeria Protectorate in the first half of the twentieth century. During World War II, Awolowo reorganized it as a predominantly Yoruba political party, the Action Group. Samori Ture 7. The yoruba-Igbo rivalry became increasingly important in Nigerian politics. Among his leading lieutenants were Samuel Akintola of Ogbomoso and the Oni of Ife, the most important of the Yoruba monarchs. Nigeria in the past was forced to participate in the slave trade. [74] The disease first found its home among the many trading ports along the West African coast. They were instrumental in the development of government diplomacy with the traditional rulers; they spread government propaganda among the indigenous people; and they assisted colonial officials in parleying with native forces at war with government troops. Three years later internal divisions arose that was dominated by major ethnic loyalties. Herbert Richmond Palmer developed details of this model from 1906 to 1911 as the Governor of Northern Nigeria after Lugard.[66]. They caused major transformations in traditional society as they eroded the religious institutions such as human sacrifice, infanticide and secret societies, which had formerly played a role in political authority and community life.[26]. Afeadie, "The Hidden Hand of Overrule" (1996), p. 1921. The war also made the British reappraise Nigeria's political future. Although per capita income in the country as a whole remained low by international standards, rising incomes among salaried personnel and burgeoning urbanization expanded consumer demand for imported goods. The CMS initially promoted Africans to responsible positions in the mission field; for instance, they appointed Samuel Ajayi Crowther as the first Anglican Bishop of the Niger. British staffs in each region continued to operate according to procedures developed before unification. [13], The Colonial Office accepted Lugard's proposal that the Governor would not be required to stay in-country full-time; consequently, as Governor, Lugard spent four months out of the year in London. Olatunji Ojo, "The Organization of the Atlantic Slave Trade in Yorubaland, ca.1777 to ca.1856", Bouda Etemad, "Economic relations between Europe and Black Africa, Giles D. Short, "Blood and Treasure: The reduction of Lagos, 1851", "Northern Nigeria: The Illo Canceller and Borgu Mail" by Ray Harris in. Today, Lagos remains Nigeria's financial capital and, as home to an estimated eight million people, ranks . Uneasy with the amount of latitude allowed traditional rulers under indirect rule, Clifford opposed further extension of the judicial authority held by the northern emirs. Afeadie, "The Hidden Hand of Overrule" (1996), p. 1315. Hon. In fact, while the southern delegates pressed for They never were able to elect sizeable legislative delegations, but they served as a means of public expression for minority concerns. The present attempt is to inquire into the educational policy of colonial Nigeria, the aim, the nature and process of educational development and how it affected women in Nigeria. Revolts in against water rates and the alienation of indigenous land in 1908 and 1911 served to unite native African elites and working class residents. By extending the elective principle and by providing for a central government with a Council of Ministers, the Macpherson Constitution gave renewed impetus to party activity and to political participation at the national level. With the exception of Brandenburg-Prussia's short-lived attempt to gain a foothold on the West African coast and to participate in the 17th-century transatlantic slave trade, German colonialism began only in the 1880s. Some of the treaties contained prohibitions on diplomacy conducted without British permission, or other promises to abide by British rule. In the 1920s, Nigerians began to form a variety of associations, such as professional and business associations, like the Nigerian Union of Teachers; the Nigerian Law Association, which brought together lawyers, many of whom had been educated in Britain; and the Nigerian Produce Traders' Association, led by Obafemi Awolowo. The Central African Federation, embracing Nyasaland, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, was created in 1953 . This led to protests known as Women's War. Battle of Adowa (Ethiopia) 5. The Nigeria Regiment of the RWAFF, integrating troops from the north and south, saw action against German colonial forces in Cameroon and in German East Africa. How did British keep Nigerians from developing organized political resistance. The charter allowed the company to collect customs and make treaties with local leaders.[12]. The protectorate was organised to control and develop trade coming down the Niger. Menelik II, emperor of Ethiopia, led his army to accomplish this unique feat in March 1896, defeating General Oreste Baratieri's Italian . Because of the spread of mission schools and wealth derived from export crops, the southern parties were committed to policies that would benefit the south of the country. Officials of the Sokoto Caliphate considered these treaties quite differently; from their perspective, the British were granted only extraterritorial rights that did not prevent similar arrangements with the Germans and the French and certainly did not surrender sovereignty. As a latecomer in the struggle for colonies, Germany had to settle for four territories, called "protectorates," in . Political opposition to colonial rule often assumed religious dimensions. Consequently, in 1849, John Beecroft was accredited as consul for the bights of Benin and Biafra, a jurisdiction stretching from Dahomey to Cameroon. Although this trade grew to significant proportionspalm oil exports alone were worth 1 billion a year by 1840it was concentrated near the coast, where palm trees grew in abundance. Nigeria: A Country Study. In the 1870s, therefore, George Taubman Goldie began amalgamating companies into the United African Company, soon renamed the National African Company. In the north, appeals to Islamic legitimacy upheld the rule of the emirs, so that nationalist sentiments were related to Islamic ideals. [21], Whether British conquest of Nigeria resulted from a benevolent motive to end slavery or more instrumental motives of wealth and power, remains a topic of dispute between African and European historians. The Royal Niger Company established its headquarters far inland at Lokoja, which was the main trading port of the company,[34] from where it began to assume responsibility for the administration of areas along the Niger and Benue rivers where it maintained depots. From 1790 to 1807, predominantly British slave traders purchased 1,0002,000 slaves each year in Lagos alone. Economic Impact The [] Nigerian students abroad, particularly at British schools, joined those from other colonies in pan-African groups such as the West African Students Union, founded in London in 1925. Inteno Fiberkonverter Blinkar, Herkules Flygplan Fakta, Kraftvrme Frdelar Och Nackdelar, Infllt Mtarskp Utomhus . Osoba and Fajana pointed . The Governor-General, in turn, was responsible for appointing the prime minister and for choosing a candidate from among contending leaders when there was no parliamentary majority. "Specifically, the Company sought to secure the cooperation of the traditional rulers in ensuring peaceful conditions for trade. . It was replaced by a new coalition government led by David Lloyd George featuring Conservatives and Lloyd George's supporters in the Liberal Party, while Asquith and the remainder of the Liberals entered opposition.[69]. Non-violent Resistance - In the Year of African Independence, 1961, 17 countries declared themselves independent of colonial powers, most of them non-violently, through protest and/or negotiation . Although lacking Azikiwe's compelling personality, Awolowo was a formidable debater as well as a vigorous and tenacious political campaigner. Rebellions Against Colonial Rule Before the Second World War. [16] Starting in 1740, the British were the primary European slave trafficker from this area. Revolutionary Mahdism and resistance to colonial rule in the Sokoto Caliphate, 1905-6 / by Paul E. Lovejoy and J.S. Political leaders resorted to the use of political parties and the media to mobilize millions of Nigerians against the continuation of British rule. [19] Although the Ijebu had some weapons they were wiped out by British Maxims, the earliest machine gun. The Colony was ultimately governed by the British Colonial Office in London. The government was responsible to a Parliament composed of the popularly elected 312-member House of Representatives and the 44-member Senate, chosen by the regional legislatures. British colonialism created Nigeria, joining diverse peoples and regions in an artificial political entity along the Niger River. The French had abolished slavery following the French Revolution, although it briefly re-established it in its Caribbean colonies under Napoleon. The company's major imports to the area included gin and low-quality firearms. . From 1815 to 1840, palm oil exports increased by a factor of 25, from 800 to 20,000 tons per year. The 1922 constitution provided Nigerians with the chance to elect a handful of representatives to the Legislative Council. The Portuguese sold slaves as a way to "obtain spices and weapons in other areas" (Alme). Resistance movements began to rise in . Before the discovery of oil in 1956, Nigeria's resources were the main focus for the British Empire, and this was primarily because Nigeria was rich in agricultural wealth and other natural resources, such as rubber and copper. The Anglicans and other religious groups had a conscious "native church" policy to develop indigenous ecclesiastical institutions to become independent of Europeans. [35] However, the company did accept that local kings could act as partners in governance and trade. The policy of indirect rule used in Northern Nigeria became a model for British colonies elsewhere in Africa. [59], Lugard advocated constantly for the unification of the whole territory, and in August 1911 the Colonial Office asked Lugard to lead the amalgamated colony.[60]. Lagos became a major slave port in the late 1700s and into the 1850s. [40] By 1893, most of the other political entities in Yorubaland recognised the practical necessity of signing another treaty with the British, this one explicitly joining them with the protectorate of Lagos. As the emirs settled more and more into their role as reliable agents of indirect rule, colonial authorities were content to maintain the status quo, particularly in religious matters. Years of colonial rule yieleded system w/ all-powerful central government surrounded by weak and economically insolvent states. To be sure, there were widespread resistances against colonial rule, which include the 'Abd al-Qadir led resistance against the French in Algeria, the Asante King (Prempeh I) led revolt against British colonialists in Ghana, the Maji Maji revolt in Tanganyika, the Ndebele rebellions in Rhodasia, the Ijebu Kingdom and the Opobo resistances in . In 1894 the territory was redesignated the Niger Coast Protectorate and was expanded to include the region from Calabar to Lagos Colony and Protectorate, including the hinterland, and northward up the Niger River as far as Lokoja, the headquarters of the Royal Niger Company. Palm oil was used locally for cooking, the kernels were a source for food, trees were tapped for palm wine, and the fronds were used for building material. The NPC captured 142 seats in the new legislature. As a protectorate, it did not have the status of a colony, so its officials were appointed by the Foreign Office and not by the Colonial Office. B. The discussion of pragmatic resistance in Africa comes full circle with the former Portuguese colonies, South Africa, and Kenya. Frederick Lugard, who assumed the position of high commissioner of the Protectorate of Northern Nigeria in 1900, often has been regarded as the model British colonial administrator. By an overwhelming majority, voters in the Southern Cameroons opted to join formerly French-administered Cameroon over integration with Nigeria as a separate federated region. The British accomplished the colonization by using its military. Alienated by the anonymity of the urban environment and drawn together by ties to their ethnic homelandsas well as by the need for mutual aidthe new city dwellers formed local clubs that later expanded into federations covering whole regions. The British turned to Persia for oil.[83]. His mission failed, but Park and his party covered more than 1,500 kilometres (930mi), passing through the western portions of the Sokoto Caliphate, before drowning when their boats overturned in rapids near Bussa. The High Commissioner will be guided by all the usual laws of succession and the wishes of the people and chief but will set them aside if he desires for good cause to do so. The Resident also oversaw a Provincial Court at the region's capital. As a philosophical movement and critical . Colonial official A. J. Harding commented in 1913: Sir F. Lugard's proposal contemplates a state which it is impossible to classify. Several churches were built to serve the Edo community and a small number of African converts. [73] In direct reaction to the epidemic, colonial authorities allowed African doctors and medical personnel to work with influenza patients due to the severity of the situation. Men such as Balewa believed that only by overcoming political and economic backwardness could the NPC protect the foundations of traditional northern authority against the influence of the more advanced south. These policies met with ongoing resistance. A third type of organisation that was more pointedly political was the youth or student group, which became the vehicle of intellectuals and professionals. The NPC continued to represent the interests of the traditional order in the pre-independence deliberations. The appointment of Joseph Chamberlain as colonial secretary in 1895 especially marked a shift towards new territorial ambitions of the British Empire. Ist October, 2010, marks The 50th anniversary of Nigeria's independence from imperial Britain. The colony was created through the consolidation of the Colony and Protectorate of Southern Nigeria and the Northern Nigeria Protectorate. [73], Africa as a whole was hit by three waves of H1N1 influenza A, the first and second would be the most deadly for the colony of Nigeria. British expansion accelerated in the last decades of the nineteenth century. It is not a federal state with federal Executive, Legislature and finances, like the Leewards. A.J. [] These intermediaries assisted government diplomacy and helped to establish and maintain relations between the company and the traditional rulers. Lugard bequeathed to his successor a prosperous colony when his term as Governor-General expired. . In 1923 Herbert Macaulay, the grandson of Samuel Ajayi Crowther, established the first Nigerian political party, the Nigerian National Democratic Party, which successfully contested three Lagos seats in the Legislative Council. PhD dissertation accepted at the Graduate Programme in History, York University, Ontario. British influence in the Niger area increased gradually over the 19th century, but Britain did not effectively occupy the area until 1885. At first, the trade centered around West Central Africa, now the Congo. You are right my brother. We also understand that the said National African Company (limited) have full power to mine, farm, and build in any portion of our territory. The British had participated in it until human trafficking was abolished in 1807. Bright Alozie. By a British Act of Parliament, Nigeria became independent on 1 October 1960. The Sokoto jihad and the Yoruba wars stimulated the slave trade at a time when the British were actively trying to stop it. The Southern Protectorate financed itself from the outset, with revenue increasing from 361,815 to 1,933,235 over the same period. The impact of colonialism in Nigeria could be discussed under political, economic, social, educational and religious aspects. Nigeria is a country in West Africa and was colonized by the British in 1884 during a slave trade (Alme). The Action Group was largely the creation of Chief Obafemi Awolowo, General Secretary of Egbe Omo Oduduwa and leader of the Nigerian Produce Traders' Association. Britain also annexed Freetown in Sierra Leone, declaring it a Crown Colony in 1808.[20]. British influence in the region began with the prohibition of slave trade to British subjects in 1807. Every Sultan and Emir and the principal officers of state will be appointed by the high Commissioner throughout all this country. The southern protectorate was divided into two provinces in 1939Western and Easternand in 1954 they, along with the northern protectorate, were renamed the Western, Eastern, and Northern regions as part of Nigerias reconstruction into a federal state. The Igbo redirected slaves into the domestic economy, especially to grow the staple food crop, yams, in northern Igboland for marketing throughout the palm-tree belt. Deadly battles broke out sporadically through 1906. Discover how the Mandinka Empire, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, and Nigeria resisted European colonists and the impact each conflict had. Libyan Resistance. The Macpherson constitution, promulgated in 1951, provided for a central House of Representatives, but friction between the central and regional legislatures, related to the question of where supreme party authority lay, soon caused a breakdown. Gradually, however, the trade forced major economic and social changes in the interior, although it hardly undermined slavery and the slave trade. Instead, the companies had to be content with a monopoly of the export trade in these products. resistance to British invasion and colonial rule so as to close that vacuum created by the 'majority syndrome' approach. British Prime Minister Lord Palmerston detested slavery, and in 1851 he took advantage of divisions in native politics, the presence of Christian missionaries, and the maneuvers of British consul John Beecroft to encourage the overthrow of the regime. [73] The spread of the disease was quick and deadly, with an estimated 1.5% of the population of Lagos falling victim. Broadening political participation and expanding educational opportunities and other social services also were viewed as threats to the status quo. Namely, it possessed colonies on all continents. In Africa, Nigerians lived under British rule from 1900 to 1960. Inconsistencies in British policy reinforced existing cleavages based on regional animosities, as the British tried both to preserve the indigenous cultures of each area and to introduce modern technology, and Western political and social concepts. [12] Trade was also conducted through a mechanism of barter and credit. vestigation of the forms of primary resistance by Africans to the impo-sition of colonial rule in the classic period of European imperialism, say from 1880 to 1914. Dike, K. O. From 1886 to 1899, much of the country was ruled by the Royal Niger Company, authorised by charter, and governed by George Taubman Goldie. By 1938 the NYM was agitating for dominion status within the British Commonwealth of Nations so that Nigeria would have the same status as Canada and Australia. The Journal of Modern African Studies, 8(04), 563. doi:10.1017/s0022278x00023909, This page was last edited on 30 January 2023, at 05:21. 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